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  1. Dirtbag_Leader

    Upgrade time!

    So I did a thing; with IAE coming up I decided I was sitting on way too many CCUs cluttering up my hangar, so I finally decided to pull the trigger and apply some of them. I'm now committed to keeping the Phoenix and F7A - now with LTI! - in my fleet for good! P-72 and Cyclone may needed to be...
  2. Dirtbag_Leader

    Need input on a new desk!

    I'm about to move my computer to a different room, and that pretty much means I'm going to pop for a new desk in the process, and I'm having trouble deciding on what to look for. I kinda want to go in the simpit-ish direction, but I absolutely still do a bunch of other more 'normal' stuff on my...
  3. Dirtbag_Leader

    Make sense to put the F7A on a referral token?

    I mean seeing as the token is already both account-bound and lost-if-melted, does popping it onto a referral ship then sorta make sense? I'm trying to convince myself that makes more sense than letting the cool unique CCU wither in my hangar AND would prevent me from rage-melting it during...
  4. Dirtbag_Leader

    M2 vs A2

    So I've been building up a Herc chain for quite a while and now that it's close, I'm still undecided on whether I want to go for the M2 or the A2. I do NOT want a C2 due to the lack of the chin turret for a copilot. I've really never been able to fill all the turrets on the A2 and don't use...
  5. Dirtbag_Leader

    WTB: Nomad LTI CCU

    Now that I have a Fortuna Pack, I wanna make that Phoenix in it have LTI! Lemme know if you can help me out! :D o7
  6. Dirtbag_Leader

    A2 and Steel CCUs on random Warbond sale

    While I knew about the holiday starter sales as well as the new C1 and SRV warbond sales sticking around still, I was surprised to see today that the Hercules A2 and Cutlass Steel are currently available as Warbond upgrades for reasons that remain unknown to me, so figured I'd share!
  7. Dirtbag_Leader

    Ship Speculations!

    So I focused less on collecting more Warbond CCUs this year (as I think I have plenty for my needs already), and instead have been rolling through my credit daily to get some standalone IAE-insured ships in the Buyback log. So far I've made it through: - Galaxy - Hull B - Liberator -...
  8. Dirtbag_Leader


  9. Dirtbag_Leader

    Poll: Worth being an Avocado?

    So, I got an Evocati invite today which is pretty cool and as I'm ALWAYS happy to test out bugs and try to break games I think I'm gonna go for it, but figured it at least warranted asking: Other than needing to keep lips sealed for NDA reasons, are there any DOWNSIDES to joining the Mean Green...
  10. Dirtbag_Leader

    Starfield - Discussion Thread

    View: Being single player I'm getting much more of a 'Witcher-in-Space' vibe than Star Citizen competition, but sure looks great and I am excited for it. what do you guys think?
  11. Dirtbag_Leader

    Any ships worth grabbing to hold in buyback during ILW?

    Now that I'm pretty much *done* playing CCU games, I find myself sitting on right around $200 in credit that I think I'd like to roll daily through some standalone ships to keep in buyback as future options. Yesterday I grabbed the Cutty Blue just cause, but will be melting it here shortly. At...
  12. Dirtbag_Leader

    Another 'Early Access' Bummer!

    So if anyone was wondering, KSP2, which I've been very excited for, is so far a disappointing flop in EA, and I would NOT recommend getting it yet. I don't *think* I'm going to go so far as requesting a refund for it; I'm personally willing to let them keep my $50 in the hopes they can use it...
  13. Dirtbag_Leader


    Took 'em long enough to be sure, but I'm still mighty grateful that they FINALLY fixed it! Core Tech Widescreen QoL Changes Addition of some quality of life changes for Widescreen monitor players. Keep vertical FOV but scale horizontal FOV if resolution becomes ultra-wide. Updated FOV slider...
  14. Dirtbag_Leader

    It works!

    God I just LOVE emergent gameplay! Did you know the Commons has a DRIVE-up bar?!? :D
  15. Dirtbag_Leader

    On the plus side in game development news. . .

  16. Dirtbag_Leader

    Bed login question

    So in general I'm only to successfully log back in to a bed I logged out from about, oh, 60% of the time. This recently brought up a related but different question regarding logging back into a bed for me which is thus. If I log out on someone else's ship, then later while I'm offline the ship...
  17. Dirtbag_Leader

    Will Connies be getting further work?

    I don't remember if I've heard anything one way or the other, so does anyone know if there's any currently 'planned' work on an/all of the Constellations? Not that I think any are in a 'bad' place, but I certainly feel that they're due for some sort of pass to bring them up to the more modern...
  18. Dirtbag_Leader

    Tired of always remapping joysticks in SC!

    Please contribute to my bug report; I'm SO tired of dealing with this!
  19. Dirtbag_Leader

    Scorpius expectations?

    I'm sorta excited about this one, mostly because I really like 2-seat fighters. I've had the SH forever for that reason, and also love the Vanguard for it. I've never warmed up to the Hurricane, but I think that's because it always seemed quite similar to the Vanguard just without the...
  20. Dirtbag_Leader

    God I LOVE Xenothreat!

    This anyone else's favorite part of the game to date? Got bits of everything: flying, dogfighting, FPS, multitool, capital ships, and wonderful comradery with random people teaming up to jump in turrets, lend multitools, shuffle cargo, fly cover, etc. Plus good paydays :D Highlight today was...
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