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  1. Dirtbag_Leader

    How do you 'do' Quantanium?

    Haven't played around with this yet and need to try it. I *think* I need at least a Prospector (only at asteroids, so ROC won't work, right?), find/mine the ore from an asteroid, then take it to an R&R to refine it, and then use a cargo ship to move the refined stuff to a big port to sell. Is...
  2. Dirtbag_Leader

    Anyone use a portable secondary monitor?

    Tired of alt-tabbing in/out of SC whenever I need to visit discord, browser, etc. I'd love to have like a tablet-sized touchscreen where I can access other windows while leaving SC up on the main screen. Haven't really been able to find the right product/way to do this yet though. Anyone out...
  3. Dirtbag_Leader

    Medium-sized ships discussion

    Hey Testers, seeking a bit of open discussion and opinions here. I'm trying to plan out my ultimate Polaris upgrade path and well, I've bogged myself down as to which of the medium sized ships I want to keep in the fleet vs. which can be can be sacrificed for the Polaris. Here's my current...
  4. Dirtbag_Leader

    Anyone want my HullE -> Polaris CCU?

    Have collected a few Polaris CCUs for possible future use, but due to the limited availability of the Hull E I doubt I'll end up using this particular one. But any Testies out there with a Hull E that might want this? Only $25 for a CCU 'worth' $100.
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