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  1. DoctorProfessor

    I'm New! -DrewTheShamu

  2. DoctorProfessor

    Ninjagirl told me to go trim the grass 5hrs ago

    The king is dead, Long live the . . Queen?
  3. DoctorProfessor

    Arena Commander empty?

    Ah, that would explain a few things . . . A lot of things, really . . . Alright, thanks.
  4. DoctorProfessor

    Arena Commander empty?

    Is it just me, or has Arena Commander (Vanduul Swarm, Pirate Swarm & the few dog-fighting options) as well as Star Marine become completely devoid of people? I've been trying to get a match at various times through the day and it's just always completely empty for me. I even sat around for an...
  5. DoctorProfessor

    Fake review on Glassdoor is fake.

    Im shocked, shocked! . . . . Well not that shocked. People shitting on something out of ignorance, jealousy or envy?
  6. DoctorProfessor

    3.2 live

    Space truly is a weird and wonderful place, with many different and strange cultures. . . I went from hovering ominously to making a new friend, space is great.
  7. DoctorProfessor

    Coop Mining, very cool.

    That's hilarious
  8. DoctorProfessor

    Test Squadron Dev Team??

    Why not call it SpaceBook?
  9. DoctorProfessor

    new crew member aboard

    Welcome, Jeremy!
  10. DoctorProfessor

    Negative. I am a meat popsicle.

    Welcome! A shitload of money is always a good motivator!
  11. DoctorProfessor

    A Live View of Starman

    Huh, I thought it linked correctly . . . Irritation . . . Should be fixed now?
  12. DoctorProfessor

    A Live View of Starman

    Earlier today, SpaceX launched their new Falcon Heavy rocket into space bearing a Tesla Roadster and Starman, outfitted with cameras it will be operational over roughly the next eleven hours or so; Kick back, relax, switch on some tunes and take a look at Starman making his way across the ever...
  13. DoctorProfessor

    Should the bar to entry for professions be hi?

    A mix of gear/equipment and actual skill would be best, but at the end of the day, it can't be too complex because this game needs to cater to both the hardcore gamers and the more casual gamers too - Easy to use, hard to master has always sat best with me personally, if the system's not all...
  14. DoctorProfessor

    CIG responds to piracy question in todays Reverse the Verse

    Personally, I wouldn't mind it being a case of; "Take it to a chop-shop for value in parts and scrap" or "Permanently flagged as stolen and beaconed for bounties when claimed for insurance" ~ Pirates can steal and use the ship all they want, without despawn, but have it left open for bounty...
  15. DoctorProfessor

    G'day Mates

    Uh so far, Sabre, Gemini, Orion, Aurora, gave an Avenger and some LTI Snub to two friends who'll also be joining me. 5 Or so other Adelaidians are who I'll likely be playing with mostly, will see if I can get them to sign up with TEST. Next to Ingle Farm, or uh, like 10 minutes from TTP
  16. DoctorProfessor

    Piracy We got a home in 2.5

  17. DoctorProfessor

    Nuther Aussie on board

    Welcome! Good to meet ya, 'nother Aussie here (Down in Adelaide), looks like we'll end up being part of the night krew for these guys eh?
  18. DoctorProfessor

    Everything is made of Matter

    Or so he wants us to think! I'd say I'm onto you but criticizing you for being evil would be hypocritical. That's alright, we can cover the beer tax. Welcome!
  19. DoctorProfessor

    G'day Mates

    Valley View, been a bit busy lately but hey, the more TEST in Adelaide the better Thanks Thank'e Already been sitting on Criminal 5 for a long time in-universe. Much killing, hijacking, larceny, illegal goods possession, and my most dastardly deed yet, loitering. Good fun with friends...
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