Search results

  1. smeggy

    Home security systems

    So, I'm actively looking into getting a home security system, something with some cameras, door/windows open detectors, and maybe glass break detectors. Reason? My house recently got broken into right after I left for work. All they got was stuff that can be replaced, nothing too sentimental...
  2. smeggy

    Testies that smoke

    Mods, remove if wanted/needed. So, since we have all know TESTies drink(alcoholic and non-alcoholic like water and such)..what about those with other vices or hobbies that are legal? Personally I used to be a cigarette smoker years ago, about 8 years ago was my last cigarette, but I still...
  3. smeggy

    Happy New Beers(Years)!

    Happy New Beers(Years) to you all at Test! May the new year bring you many happy drunkenness and more Aurora to crash into the sun.
  4. smeggy

    photographic input wanted

    Mods, please move if needed So I was able to start back up on one of my favorite hobbies, photography, when I was able to replace my old DSLR body(went from a finally broken A300 to nicer A700). Mostly I focus on family and then automotive. Sadly and bluntly, I suck. I was wondering if I could...
  5. smeggy

    Another smeghead has arrived

    So I've been away for about a week, returned home yesterday. My wife had given birth to our second child but this time it was a boy. Little Castiel, at 21inches and 8 pounds even. He has nice long fingers, perfect for grabbing his baby-brew while pilotting his My-First-Aurora onto a dwarf star.
  6. smeggy

    Will fly for beer

    Where you from stranger? Earth, Nebraska really. What drew you to Star Citizen? Been into space travel games since I was a youngling and like the idea of an open world space sim. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Exploration, adventure What was...
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