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  1. Duckforceone

    need help getting this broken maps in arena commander offline mode confirmed

    Since i can't post links on discord, i guess i need to post here to get some help getting this past the 10 required confirmations. For a few weeks now, all the offline ground maps in arena commander have been broken this is how the good doctor looks... the other ground map, just is all...
  2. Duckforceone

    They finally released a new ship size comparison chart So awesome to have a great updated version.
  3. Duckforceone

    test rules for piracy?

    So how is test planning to handle piracy by members? will the main test force chose to outlaw it. and spin off a separate piracy division that is known on sight? (and leaves test members alone) because if some of test is open to do piracy while being in the main org, it will make it much...
  4. Duckforceone

    up to 60 dollar warbond savings right now for 35 dollars - Total 95$ value from 155$ to 250$

    So you might want something like the paladin, or galaxy or other ships more expensive in the future. Well right now, there are 3 cheap warbonds you can get and save a whole lot. Prospector to F7C-R hornet tracker mkII / F7C-S Hornet Ghost mkII (10 dollars) 155 - 185 F7C to Terrapin Medic (15...
  5. Duckforceone

    4.0 preview runs so smooth

    I have had a really great experience flying this morning. Everything just felt so smooth and nice to play with. Now i just need to find someone to bum a guardian off so i can test it out and see if i should buy it. i'd say go ahead and install it.
  6. Duckforceone

    Industry Who wants to team up for serious mining and hauling in 4.0 ? (EU daytime)

    So once 4.0 hits, i'm thinking of focusing on the hauling and mining gameplay loop daily for a few weeks to earn some good cash and try the loop out for sure.... I'm probably on from 0900 CET until 1800 CET (old man and go to bed early) Anyone wanna join on some industrial stuff once 4.0...
  7. Duckforceone

    30 dollar (free) lti token or just a cool bike. Get the Mirai Pulse for free.

    So until january 6th, if you refer a friend a single person, and they buy 40 dollars worth of value or above, you get a free Pulse. If you just want to do it yourself there is an easy way to do it. (and the only thing you will lose, is the road towards being a concierge of that value) if you...
  8. Duckforceone

    Ironclad stl file? Anyone happen to have one i can 3d print?

    So i have fallen in love with the ironclad, and i would love to have a 3d printed model of it on my table. Anyone around happen to have an stl file for it i could "borrow" ??? :D pretty please.
  9. Duckforceone

    does this mean that base building and crafting is closer than we think?

    so this is my intended gameplay loop, and with them starting to work on the pioneer, and stating that base building will be out before it is out, and now the tracker showing this.... does it mean we will get this early next year?
  10. Duckforceone

    Debating fleet setup. Solo vs semi solo groupable ships

    So i'm currently debating this. Seeing the base building, made me lock into the base building loop as my fleet focus. So mining for the stuff i need being able to deploy drones so i can build most sizes (at least large) being able to haul cargo for transporting stuff probably being able to...
  11. Duckforceone

    Simpit Wall plating test

    So having recently been lured back to star citizen, and since i now have a nice 3D printer, i have been looking up simpits for the last many days to gather inspiration and ideas. And i am thinking i want to in the end have a small room simulator. But since extruded aluminum is so expensive...
  12. Duckforceone

    Industry Who want to focus on base building?

    After seeing the recent citcon, and knowing myself, i'm probably going to be changing my fleet into a more focused base builder crafter type. i just like to build bases in most games. So now to figure out if i should buy the new Starlancer BLD or get the pioneer ( that pioneer is probably...
  13. Duckforceone

    my amazon got hacked

    yeah i know, didn't have 2 step verification on it apparently. but then it comes down to, that someone intercepted my login details. So what anti-virus / anti malware program should i invest in to keep myself as safe as possible?
  14. Duckforceone

    Solved getting hold of a BMM. TEST LOVE

    I missed out on the last time it was out for free ccu in case i ever wanted it. As my funds are quite low, i have no way to buy an entire bmm but would instead melt and upgrade what i have. So i need to find a ccu to the bmm at the lowest possible price. Anyone out there that can help me at...
  15. Duckforceone

    finally going into the deep end

    And doing my first real stream today. Wish me luck. find me at at 1600-2030 CET
  16. Duckforceone

    Conan Exiles PvE - server and interest?

    So how many around here are interested in the pve side of the game? i don't play anything else. So far i am playing on the eu pve server called "Badlands PVE", with the streamer MightyWrath. We have a great base around V9 on the map. Though i am looking into if...
  17. Duckforceone

    Sexual innuendos for ingame chat!

    So last night, i realized how i could say dirty things without being banned. But what are your favourite ways to say something naughty without it being obvious? mine is for Star Marine "Protect your A, let them have D"
  18. Duckforceone

    How i plan to not miss out on which CCU's to get in the future

    So i could not really use the lists out there to easily view which ones i needed during sales, so ended up missing out on alot of them because i thought i could not ccu to them for 0 dollars. So i have made this for myself, but of course i would also share it with all you testies. let me know...
  19. Duckforceone

    Seeking Online life partner

    Cute and fun bearded geek, seeks lady with an amazing voice. Having grown tired of being alone in this world, with no one to have my back, i have decided to seek online for someone who will either heal me or tank for me. You must be into MMORPG's. Bonus if you have played Everquest. You must...
  20. Duckforceone

    [DONE] anyone got a CCU to a Prospector for sale?

    So i have decided i would love to get myself a prospector. Anyone happen to have a CCU to a prospector lying around? (from one of the normal ships you can buy right now) preferably not too expensive. (ie within 40 dollars of the prospector preferred.)
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