Search results

  1. Dortz

    Name our Raptor! The Poll edition

    I... Hadn't thought about it, but you're right. mispronounced Xi'An is a great idea for his name. My god Testies are deep.
  2. Dortz

    The new / reworked Freelancer

    Drive your buggy inside. the previous model you could 'barely' fit.
  3. Dortz

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    GIMMIE. also. I'll buy one?
  4. Dortz

    Fallout 4 Hype! Tips you should know about!

    check here: You will be most interested in the 'quests' portion. sqt will show you the current quest id and stage number. setstage <questID> <stage number> will give you what you need. advance the stage past your current stage. it...
  5. Dortz

    Fallout 4 Hype! Tips you should know about!

    I'm loving fallout! Having trouble getting my work done today because I just want to play. But from what I 'have' played so far, I can tell, I'm going to like it. A lot. It feels like Fallout 3 felt when I jacked it all up to hell with mods and stuff. GOTY level for sure. I had the same...
  6. Dortz

    Wing Commander package!!

    These discussions and temptations are EXACTLY why I went dark on comms and all things Star Citizen for a while. You got me looking at the ship packages again... Bastards. I love you.
  7. Dortz

    Test in GTA5?

    I have been enjoying playing GTAV quite a bit. I'm glad I waited until pc.
  8. Dortz

    What new games are TESTies playing now?

    I went for GTA V on PC. Because even though it is two years old, I don't mind, because it is new for me, new release, and 4k 1st person view is going to be delicious. Also eve. There is always eve.
  9. Dortz

    So how often do you guys try to get recruited into other Orgs?

    I started getting them when I started posting on RSI as well. I guess recruiters are just rampant there. And for orgs, I'm in a few actually, but, as the kids say these days, Test is my main squeeze.
  10. Dortz

    TEST SQUADRON - BEST SQUADRON! Hi TEST! Great to be here!

    Sir. I would like to point out that you have made a typo in your application title. You will note that we are in fact Test Squadron - Best 'Squardon'. While it is not an uncommon typo amongst newcomers, I would like to ensure that you do not make this mistake in the future. Also welcome.
  11. Dortz

    TEST SQUADRON: Download PlanetSide2, we are going in for flight school

    I put a couple thousand hours of time into planetside, got two lvl 100 characters and all. I just started to lose interest in it.
  12. Dortz

    Mumble usage question (Might have overstepped my authority...)

    This is true. If TEST had any mottos that did 'not' directly involve drinking and crashing into stuff, our motto would be 'It is better to ask forgiveness than ask permission.' First of all, it's more fun that way, but more importantly, that's usually how drunken evenings turn out anyway. I...
  13. Dortz

    TESTies of the World! Pics of you spreading the brand!

    I gotta say. My initial impression of that photo of Montoya and his gunner-in-training, was not to 'put a bunch of explosions and fire and shit in it'. But that just shows that I didn't know what I really wanted to see in the photo. Well done sir. It is a true representation of everywhere...
  14. Dortz

    State of the Squadron 7!!!

    Such is the modern war. We fight not on the field of battle, but for the hearts and minds of potential soldiers everywhere! Branch out testbros! Be beacons of recruitment not just for Test, but for star citizen too! Bring people who aren't even associated with star citizen into the game, and...
  15. Dortz


  16. Dortz

    Any Vape brothers out there?

    I travel a lot for work, so I go with blu cartridges since they pack a lot easier. I had an incident where my travel bottle of juice broke open, I ended up having to buy a whole new shaving case and everything. I know it limits my flavor options, but I always used vaping to simply help me quit...
  17. Dortz

    So Valve announced their VR headset

    I love to see more competition stepping up into the VR market. Competition breeds excellence, and healthy corporate competition really does help the consumer.
  18. Dortz

    Strapping in!

    oh yeah TIE Fighter... Good times. Welcome to TEST!
  19. Dortz

    Orion mining platform donation drive [FULLY FUNDED!]

    Essentially, a lower-class citizen. a slang term used in "1984" that is a shortened form of the word 'Proletariat' Here is an informative wikipedia article:
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