Search results

  1. ChenAU

    [Selling] Baunu Merchantman LTI [$450USD Negotiable]

    Hey Testies, I'm thinking about selling off my BMM as I am probably not going to play SC Hardcore as I first thought of when bought it. After about a month I'll open up the sale out side of test. If you want it my email is: [email protected]
  2. ChenAU

    Test raptor is dead

    Hello friends, it has been a while, but I here to talk about the test raptor the very meme that was founded by azmodeath. ( Anyway enough history, I had fun with this picture but now I'm removing this...
  3. ChenAU

    Silent Auction BMM LTI

    Due to my situation linked here [], I forced to sell some of my stuff to pay for damages. Please PM your bid in USD. Bidding closes on 23:59, Friday, 24, june, 2016. Reserve is $350 USD. Thank you Test squadron for being a great org. -...
  4. ChenAU

    Pulse nightclub shooting A moment for the Americans
  5. ChenAU

    Chen's music video assessment

    G'day testies, for the past few days I have been working on a music video assessment. the brief is to mix together footage and music from a pool given to us. first draft second draft third draft fifth draft Final cut Please leave me feedback
  6. ChenAU

    Eurodivision logo

    Test for the Americans Night krew for the Oceanics Now for the euros
  7. ChenAU

    This is "Crome Moe"

    Crome Moe is a teacher in china that cosplays in secret. More... [/spoiler]
  8. ChenAU

    STRAYA DAY C$#@!

  9. ChenAU

    grand theft citizen

    According to the fly boys star citizen is a game where your ships get stolen.
  10. ChenAU

    Suppository of all wisdom
  11. ChenAU

    Nightcrew wordpress

  12. ChenAU

    The story continues [One Punch Man]

    so one punch man is finished and will most likely never have a second season so I am linking the chapter of the web comic where the events continue from the anime. Enjoy.
  13. ChenAU

    Test Food Thread

    Food thread, post your mother's recipes. Format: [Image] Origin Serving size Ingredients Method
  14. ChenAU

    Tipical room of a testie

  15. ChenAU

    Oh god what have I done!

    Be me. Found both the $30 Aurora package and the Banu Merchantman on sale. Considering whether or not to buy the $30 game package, sell my Avenger>Cutlass>Constellation Taurus game package and upgrade my LTI Archimedes to the Banu Merchantman. Consolidate Discord Whether or not to buy said...
  16. ChenAU

    Rare Raptor

  17. ChenAU

    Moar Pitures

  18. ChenAU

    Photography series

    G'Day Testies, Chen Here. As some of you may of known I am a Photographer, mainly a Street Photographer. I want to create my first series. However I am not sure if the message I am conveying is being received. With the three sample images below, what do you make of it?
  19. ChenAU

    [Propaganda] Shinzo Abe wants you to join TEST

  20. ChenAU

    KPOP Thread

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