Search results

  1. Reyalp CB4

    Hearthstone Players

    If anyone has been playing Hearthstone's Knights of the Frozen Throne ad had trouble beating Lord Marrowgar I found a fairly simple way to do it.
  2. Reyalp CB4

    HIT 250 Followers Giveaway

    Well I finally hit 250. Took Forever but i got to that milestone. Now with that out of the way i have a couple of things to give away. Some steam games ive had sitting around [ Trine 2, Skullgirls, Guns of Icarus online, and Orion: Prelude] Star Citizen Stuff Dread Pirate Aurora Skin...
  3. Reyalp CB4

    Whats got 2 thumbs and a Retaliator?

    Finally got my Retaliator base after like a year of wanting one. Now i got $25 bucks left in my store credit. What to get on the Grand Finale? What i got now Aurora LN Dragonfly Retaliator Base Origin 315 85x LTI archimedes LTI do i add one more thing or CCU something to something else?
  4. Reyalp CB4

    Titanfall 2 or how i learned to love the NETWORK

    So Titanfall 2 is pretty cool. Join my cousin and i as we bring the pain Our Network Ill be streaming Titanfall 2 again tonight or my cousin...
  5. Reyalp CB4

    Streaming Looking for Racers

    Hey been working my way up the ladder trying to get as high as i can before 2.6 but i need more people in old vanderval. Come join me
  6. Reyalp CB4

    Approved Streamers List

    So what does it take to get added? Asking Twice :-P thank you Carry on nothing to see here no need to post anything Shooo!
  7. Reyalp CB4

    If you Live in Florida You DED

    and your kids too
  8. Reyalp CB4

    Oh Whos THAT?

    ITS ME!!! Ive had to take a kinda forced Hiatus from streaming since my move to miami but i am gonna have some free time off from work So im gonna try and stream some games this week starting WED till Sunday. Hopefully every day What will i be streaming you ask? Some scary games since its...
  9. Reyalp CB4

    Beards of TEST!!!!

    Where do you Fall on the CHART!!! Im either threatening or Very trustworthy The Chaotic Neutral of beards.
  10. Reyalp CB4

    Its almost Chirstmas Who wants to get me one.

    so this was on the SC reddit last night. Time to take side jobs
  11. Reyalp CB4

    Reddit Referral Ramdomizer

    Anybody use this? It seems like a good idea to get some referrals, but i haven't really seen any returns on it. its bad enough they started the referral program after i got like 5 of my friends to back the game...
  12. Reyalp CB4

    Oh that Visual Stabilization

  13. Reyalp CB4

    OCD Nice Even Likes and Posts

    So i noticed i'm 1 like and 1 post away from having a nice even set of numbers. I expect that this post will get 1 and only 1 like thus calming my OCD Don'y mess this up for me.
  14. Reyalp CB4

    Just Wanted to Share

    So Raced for the first time since 2.0 and i must say im pretty darn proud FASTEST RACE:04:03.823 FASTEST LAP:01:01.999 FLIGHT TIME:00:04:03 I think thats a 10 second improvement from my previous races way back when. Also Is the 350R faster? i feel like its top speed is higher? wasn't...
  15. Reyalp CB4

    So this happend

    Just thought id share some of my hanger flying skillz That IS all
  16. Reyalp CB4

    Anyone Wanna try and do a bug?

    So while playing tonight i came across a random bug. So if anyone wants to try and reproduce it and report it thats cool. Here it is on the ISSUE COUNCIL I...
  17. Reyalp CB4

    I need Advice and Info from you enablers

    Ok so i keep telling myself im a responsible adult and i dont need different ships. I keep looking at the Explorers Package and debating Melting what i have and getting it What i have: I also have an KRUGER P-72 ARCHIMEDES - LTI i figure i should keep it to upgrade to something better I...
  18. Reyalp CB4

    I wanna make a Signature Banner

    I have been meaning to make a proper signature banner and feel i have the spare time when im at work to do so. Any one have suggestions on an easy way for me to make an animated banner. Something that would require minimal or no Photoshop. I know how to use Photoshop. not so good with making...
  19. Reyalp CB4

    Whats Your Average FPS in the Mini-PU?

    TL;DR Whats your Average FPS and have any suggestions or Tips on how to get better frames in the PU or am i just stuck waiting on CIG to improve their Netcode? If you are still reading and need more info So if i go into my hanger or boot up a free flight i can get a fairly stable 60 Fps, but...
  20. Reyalp CB4

    No Man's Sky Expectations?

    So to start off i am LOVING the game. Just add a player based economy and Multiplayer and its everything i could hope star citizen will be when its done. Which kinda gives me hope that Star Citizen isn't this pipe dream of a game some people say it might be. With that said It feels like the...
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