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  1. orac_zen

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I worked for the Census this fall. We had a lot of supplies left over like hand sanitizer, masks, clipboards, pens, etc. This is a picture I took of the supplies I delivered to a local school district in Texas as a donation. Just sharing a small positive in a troublesome time.
  2. orac_zen

    I decided to upgrade my pc's cosmetics.

    I gave my pc a theme in a Lian Li 011 Dynamic's case. Not sure how well this will work out in the end, but I used some vinyl wrap on inside the case, some spacex decals, a crew dragon 3d printed model, a tesla hot wheels, some rgb lights, and we have this. I do worry about the hotwheels and crew...
  3. orac_zen

    Star Citizen centrism is a lie!

    How can the Earth be 6000 years old? History started in 1776! :-)
  4. orac_zen

    citizen day thoughts?

    I'm exited to have a citizen day in star citizen. This sounds like it could be really interesting aspect to lore. Will every player get to vote? Will corps sway there members to vote a particular way for the corps own long term goals?
  5. orac_zen

    CIG issues

    so glade to know it's not just me. I got a 503 forbidden error. Thanks for letting us know.
  6. orac_zen

    What do you do for a living?

    I worked at McDonalds as a swing manager for 5 years, then went into plastics were I did several jobs starting as a tech, worked in maintenance, team leader, parts room supervisor, mold shop supervisor, to currently unemployed for awhile now. I love building my own computers and was going to...
  7. orac_zen

    looking for someone with great photo shop skills.

    great work. here are some real photos I have gotten of splash.
  8. orac_zen

    looking for someone with great photo shop skills.

    Love it. Thanks.
  9. orac_zen

    looking for someone with great photo shop skills.

    I wanted her on top of the border wall and no words. Pictures can say a thousand words. Thankyou for your time and hard work.
  10. orac_zen

    looking for someone with great photo shop skills.

    I want someone to photo shop my dog onto the border wall. I have a pic of her on a wall.
  11. orac_zen

    Green Ursa Rover Giveaway Inside! (Thanks to all who donated this past month!)

    Test is the best and Green is so mean!
  12. orac_zen

    Okay so three of these, and three cards to drive them is. . .

    is it true 120hz or one of those 60 they say is 120?
  13. orac_zen

    Help us make a TEST FOIP music video - We Built this Squadron on Alcohol!

    love it, if I only could record in 4k...
  14. orac_zen

    Fallout 76 BETA comes out for PC in 3.5hrs from the time of this post

    I am really disappointed so far with the graphics. I hope the final version is way better!
  15. orac_zen

    What do you see in this picture?

    I'm still waiting for someone to turn the horse into a donkey and have him kicking the Trump sign. :-)
  16. orac_zen

    What do you see in this picture?

    What do you see when you look at this picture? Someone proud of there president? A dead tree? A horse that's proud of our president? An oil company sign covering up a beautiful horse? Can you remove all the signs and see the beautiful country side?
  17. orac_zen

    Test House open bed

    y'all be safe with the murder in the house. :-)
  18. orac_zen

    CIG sniped another TEST member :(

    yep it's time for a pay increase if we don't want to lose any more. :-)
  19. orac_zen

    next gaming monitor tech?

    wonder what bandwidth we will need to watch netflicks at 8k.... I can't even watch it at 4k...
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