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  1. Binz


    Yes, please. UTC is useful because it has no summertime adjustment. For example, GMT's relationship to other timezones changes depending on the time of year. This year GMT rolls back on 30th October whereas US and Canada the 6th November - so it is not always possible to trust +/- 8 hours and...
  2. Binz


    Hi all, I'm fairly new but I've noticed we tend to discuss and organise happenings in various local times - I see PST, CET and GMT a lot. Although time conversion is only a google away this doesn't seem the ideal was for a large timezone-diverse group to make plans, especially as most of us are...
  3. Binz

    7 Answers to commonly asked questions on this forum, you'll never believe number four...

    It's okay mate, you can have it - it wasn't very funny anyway... Haha, that is quite incredible tho! Thanks for the warm welcome! (>v<)7
  4. Binz

    TEST Spreadsheet Squadron Interest Thread

    SQL DBA / Dev reporting for duty.
  5. Binz

    Hello everyone!

    Your avatar looks like Jayne, from firefly. I like that. Welcome!
  6. Binz

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    I'm keen!
  7. Binz

    7 Answers to commonly asked questions on this forum, you'll never believe number four...

    Having given it some thought, I've decided Cap'n Malcolm Reynolds gets my vote anyway. Thanks for the warm welcome though guys, I look forward to having a band of dedicated internet spaceshippers at my side whenever I Leroy Jenkins an enemy fleet. WITNESS ME!
  8. Binz

    7 Answers to commonly asked questions on this forum, you'll never believe number four...

    Hello, I am a fellow internet spaceship aficionado and would like to join your internet spaceship group - primarily because I've got no mates. Well there is Gareth, but he sad I'm not to let onto him in public anymore. Not since that time with the frozen chicken and the dachshund in Sainsbury's...
  9. Binz

    7 Answers to commonly asked questions on this forum, you'll never believe number four...

    Where you from stranger? Manchester, UK What drew you to Star Citizen? Internet Spaceships. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Internet Spaceships. I like to stir up some tears so piracy will almost certainly be my game. What was the first game you...
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