Search results

  1. Pyotr

    Test in GTA5?

    Just finished the single player - time for some online! Vaspy, i requested an invite to the Test squadron crew!
  2. Pyotr

    [WTS] TM Warthog

    shiiit, really? i saw them on amazon for 400$, so i figured 350$ would be a good deal.
  3. Pyotr

    [WTS] TM Warthog

    I feel ya. It's such a nice piece of hardware, it seems such a shame to let it just sit around, ya know?
  4. Pyotr

    [WTS] TM Warthog

    SOLD!! Purchased in Nov to play SC, but wound up not really using it (I'm positively terrible with a HOTAS) Asking 350$ plus shipping, ill ship it out in the original packaging.
  5. Pyotr

    Show off your rig!

    The norco server is running debian 7, RAID is handled through the Areca 1680ix card. the drives are in RAID6, two hot swap drives. The cases are expensive (i paid 400$ for that ~4 years ago) but its been a reliable beast. you NEED to replace the stock 80mm fans though. they are very loud.
  6. Pyotr

    Show off your rig!

    My basement battlestation. what do we say to the god of renovations? not today. (or next year, or the year after that....) Not pictured: my bedroom battlestation. Dell Precision M6700, Asus Proart monitor. From left to right: Dell 1704FPV (1280x1024) Dell 2007FPb (1600x1200) Dell 3007WFP...
  7. Pyotr

    Opening Soon! TEST Merchandise Please Ignore (Sellers Welcome!)

    If somebody can make a good quality sticker that i can put on my car, I'm all over that.
  8. Pyotr

    Whats in your Hangar?

    haha, thanks! here's the full 1080p wallpaper its from:
  9. Pyotr

    [WTS] Oculus Rift DK2 W/ Leap

    Cant use my OR without getting extremely nauseous for hours afterward... so I'm selling it. it comes with the leap motion on the Front of it, as well as an additional mounting kit for it. Asking 600$ Shipped within the 48.
  10. Pyotr

    Whats in your Hangar?

    Aurora LN AMD Mustang Variant When its available, ill be grabbing the Retaliator! Just as an FYI though, there is a google spreadsheet for tracking this, see this thread:
  11. Pyotr

    0.9 Release come play

    took it 9 hours to patch yesterday, and i still cant run it, because all i have is a AMD APU :( Hurry up and release the 970, nvidia!
  12. Pyotr

    Constellation Conversation

    Wanted a connie for a long time, super tempted to pick up an Andromeda, but its super expensive :/
  13. Pyotr

    Ramming 101

    Ejected from my ship to check on the engines. now what?
  14. Pyotr

    In regards to the S.S.S Weekly

    Its paid, but you can usually pick it up super cheap, Just Cause 2 (multiplier mod) tons of fun, and tons of crashing things into other things - good practice for later! I usually drink away my Saturdays, so this'll be perfect!
  15. Pyotr

    Meetup in Boston

    Just outside Boston here. why not meetup, zoidberg?
  16. Pyotr

    The glorious charge of the Aurorohirrim.

    This is one of the best things i have seen.
  17. Pyotr

    Giveaway: Razer Deathadder 2013

    I don't need a new mouse, I'm just here to tell you that you are awesome for doing this!
  18. Pyotr

    Howdy Folks

    PAX tickets sold out befiore i could get my hands on a pair, Im still super bummed about that, I could do that outside... hmm...
  19. Pyotr

    Howdy Folks

    Where you from stranger? Boston, MA What drew you to Star Citizen? Always was interested in EVE, but could never get into it, hoping this is like that, but with more pew pew, and less spreadsheets! What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)Flying around, pretty...
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