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  1. SilentB-TEST

    Any one have any Scifi audiobook suggestions?

    I will check it out. Thank you for the suggestion.
  2. SilentB-TEST

    Key bindings changing mid game?

    I'll do.some more troubleshooting but the issue in the PQ where as soon as I engaged quantum travel my throttle 0 position changes by +45 is consistently repeatable. Everything works as expected, I engage quantum travel and the zero throttle changes. I shut down the game, restart it, test and...
  3. SilentB-TEST

    Key bindings changing mid game?

    Good suggestions but I tried other ports. Plus the issues are directly related to in game events (quantum travel in pu and powerups in AC so far). I have my settings exported and copied to a backup folder.
  4. SilentB-TEST

    Key bindings changing mid game?

    I don't have joy2key or keypadder running. Not running steam or gog either. All my controls are mapped through SC controls. You don't think the Thrustmaster drivers windows 10 installed have mapping options do you?
  5. SilentB-TEST

    Key bindings changing mid game?

    I have a Thrustmaster Tflight HotasX running on Windows 10 (64 bit) on a Alienware r3 i-5 with a geforce gtx 745. When in Arena Commander after I pick up a missile powerup my key binding for missile lock changes. After the power up my missile lock button cycles my displays instead. This has...
  6. SilentB-TEST

    I'm SilentB, yes I am Aurora owner so I obviously have a problem....

    I seriously want one of your couches! Someone needs to make official TEST SQUADRON couch slip covers. I need one for my man room.
  7. SilentB-TEST

    Star Citizen ATV: Spectrum and LA Studio Update

    Lol...I am starting to believe the gang at RSI thinks the RSI loves TEST Squadron more than us stuff is as funny as we do.
  8. SilentB-TEST

    My TITANFALL 2 addiction is cutting in to my STAR CITIZEN time. Any suggestions?

    I am a sucker for a good single player experience and TITANFALL 2 definitely brings it. As much as I love what STAR CITIZEN has to offer right now I mainly pledged for Squadron 42. I only have really played around in Arena Commander and Star Marine so far. I wanted to feel confident with my...
  9. SilentB-TEST


    I am new to PC gaming with voice chat. I signed up on Discord but I have no clue how it works and have had no luck finding any posts on the TEST site explaining how to use it. Any direction for this lost soul would be appreciated. I don't plan to do much actually talking but it would be nice...
  10. SilentB-TEST

    Ship Giveaway - Celebrating 2 years of Rock Raiders - Winner announced Page 6

    A ship to keep my poor lonely Aurora company in my dark and dingy hanger would be much appreciated. I will make sure to pay you back with free labor when I am available.
  11. SilentB-TEST

    Buybacks available :)

    Yes, very cool. If I decide to put more money in to ships l'll message you. Thank you for looking out for the rest of Test Squadron. :)
  12. SilentB-TEST

    Buybacks available :)

    Ok, that makes sense now. I wasn't thinking about ships that were only available for a limited time. Are all of these limited time only ships? Just out of curiosity why buy all of these ships just to sell for no profit?
  13. SilentB-TEST

    Buybacks available :)

    Can anyone explain this to me? I am a NOOB and don't get this buyback list. Is this done with cash directly with cash or in game with credits? Is this safe to do?
  14. SilentB-TEST

    Arena Commander bug

    Did it work for you before? Maybe I am wrong. One button would be nice. I'll try it on 2.6 and see if it works for me.
  15. SilentB-TEST


    I'll try to confirm if you can just copy the user folder.
  16. SilentB-TEST

    Arena Commander bug

    I still have not had a chance to finish remapping my controls to the 2.6.1 PTU unfortunately. I will say that I don't think you can map missile lock and fire to the same button. I might be wrong but mine were two separate buttons
  17. SilentB-TEST

    Arena Commander bug

    Thanks for the feedback. Lucky you, it sucks when you go to get missile lock, hit the button and instead of those satisfying half circles zooming in on your target your HUD tells you how your power is distributed... Grrrr
  18. SilentB-TEST


    I just copied my account over to the PTU and installed it for the first time to test 2.6.1. Now none of my game/controller settings were there when I fired it up. I think it is because it was a fresh install. Does anyone know if you have to do a fresh PTU install evey time or is it just a patch...
  19. SilentB-TEST

    New Aurora rework - NEW SNEAK PEAK

    Lol. One too many rough landing I guess....
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