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    Star Wars Battlefront (Beta INC!)

    Hi guys, It has been announced that Star Wars Battlefront beta is happening in October across all platforms, assumption has it that access to beta is going to be free for all - so none of that silly pay money to test the game...oh wait..never mind *whistles* Anyway, to get to the point of this...

    A magical land full of craft beer and awesome food.....

    ..Hi! I have not been as prominent around here(/TS/reddit) but I am still very much alive and eagerly waiting the time we can start playing together (be it DFM, PU whatever) Anyway enough of that nicey nicey! Last weekend I attended my first every craft beer festival in Scotland near Loch...

    *LONG POST* MY views on the faction.

    Views of a drunk Scot. (I did have a cool name called ‘A Systematic Flow’) By ROBINSON The perils of faction membership I am making this the first point as really its the main issue facing us as a group, at the moment we are ‘part’ of ReddFaction and depending on how we negotiate our...

    TEST - WW2 style propaganda posters [WIP]

    Hey folks, Working lots of ww2 (mainly British) propaganda style posters so I will keep spamming them in here. I am not any good at creating graphics from scratch but I just find my way copying and pasting ;)


    Where you from stranger? Glasgow, Scotland What drew you to Star Citizen? Space, ships, pewpew with ships, space bars, pvp. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) PvP really, like the political side of things as it can always get rather hilarious. So a mix...
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