A magical land full of craft beer and awesome food.....


Grand Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle

I have not been as prominent around here(/TS/reddit) but I am still very much alive and eagerly waiting the time we can start playing together (be it DFM, PU whatever)

Anyway enough of that nicey nicey!

Last weekend I attended my first every craft beer festival in Scotland near Loch Fyne (pronounced 'fine'). I will cut to the point here, I walked into the main tent to be meet by a wall displaying 60+ craftbeers (would say about 40% was Scottish and the rest made up from the rest of the UK, Europe and US.

The joy that spread across my face to see this then look at the massive bar that had the 60+ draught's on it. Simple pricing was in place with anything under 6% would be £3.20 and anything over would be £4.80 - this worked off a token system as well which is much easier for a drunk to handle :D.

If there was ever to be a future meet-up for us this side of the water I would say this would be perfect. Cheap for a ticket, cheap beer (for Uk that is) and oh my! I totally forgot the food! There wasn't much choice but we had someone with an Italian oven kicking out thin crispy pizzas, a van doing pulled pork and bratwurst, another doing venison burgers & chilli and then there was the fish van which was actually being run by the local Michelin star fish restaurant with all produce from the loch less than 1/2 mile away.

The music was great as well, a huge mix of performers - there was an amazing covers band called 'Banjo Lounge 4' yes! It was banjo lead and great. Can't beat hearing enter sandman being done on a banjo. There was also a good Ska band playing called Bombscare - apparently they are well unknown in the UK but Ska is not my thing - the late night disco was great.

I didnt take many pictures as I was a bit busy drinking, and well they are mostly from like 7am and a bit cloudy - rest of the weekend was glorious sunshine.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10384537_10154248035965137_2717994035749339320_n.jpg FRIENDS BEARD OF AWESOME!
https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10491109_10154248036070137_4280124657018554504_n.jpg Friends with the 5L keg we could buy
https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10415677_10154248035845137_3008676899531534851_n.jpg One of my drinking horns, this was for my bourbon chaser to go along with my beer horn :D
https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/10426734_10154248035975137_7773635820639461308_n.jpg Hey! I had to bring some spirits ;)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t1.0-9/10376863_10154248035840137_4628519072403641470_n.jpg A Hill


Space Marshal
Jun 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Way to represent with the Bulleit Bourbon. Just finished a bottle of that Sunday night. Gotta pick up another. Also, that looks like an awesome time.
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