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  1. F

    World of Warplanes as Practice?

    Thanks for the recommendation, will try out diaspora, which seems especially interesting, given my love of Battlestar Galactica.
  2. F

    World of Warplanes as Practice?

    Hi guys, I was thinking of getting some practice in preparation for the dogfight module, so was wondering if World of Warplanes is a reasonable enough game for flying. I don't have much money to spend (most of my budget for a week went on an avenger), so it's ideal for me in terms of being...
  3. F

    Dock control, starkestrel requests permission to land

    Lol, I was so tempted to say John Crichton in response to the Picard or Kirk question as well, but I bottled it, if only because Shatner just looks damn impressive in that green captain's tunic. I'm a big fan of Farscape, and I especially like how the Avenger is very reminiscent of Crichton's...
  4. F

    When it begins

    play the welcome to columbia song from bioshock infinite during take-off, with the pause in sound synced up to when I blast out of the hangar, and go and explore every square inch of the starter system, before buying sufficient upgrades to move to other star systems.
  5. F

    Starsheeptrooper intro

    Hey starsheeptrooper, saw you post in my introduction thread recently, thought I'd say hi! I'm more from the warrington area, but currently based in manchester CC, not been to gorton that often, tbh. You're a fellow explorer, though, which is good!
  6. F

    Fargo_Pinkerton here!

    Operation Turkey Spray & Operation Turkey Drop? Are these all part of Project Turkey Baster? Also, as a vigilante who can't be a member of the advocacy, I am willing to accept bribes of either Idris Corvettes, or, failing that, bacon butties, so you can carry on using tryptophan under those...
  7. F

    Fargo_Pinkerton here!

    Hey everyone! Where you from stranger? I'm from Manchester, UK, where the sun is blotted out by rainclouds, and not auroras. :( What drew you to Star Citizen? Simply put, it looks awesome! Not-so-simply put, I'm a big fan of science fiction & sci-fi games in general, and I especially like...
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