Search results

  1. Darth_Razor

    **CLOSED** Tex's OG LTI Shop

    Just PMd U
  2. Darth_Razor

    I gots an UPGRADE!!!

    Congrats and enjoy!
  3. Darth_Razor

    Happy Birthday Glorious Leader

    Feliz Cumpleaños, SIR!
  4. Darth_Razor

    Star Citizen nameable ships?

    How important or valuable do you think that the fact that you can name your ship really is? Honestly, I don't know, then again my gaming experience is very limited, hence the search for enlightment from Testies.
  5. Darth_Razor

    What do you do for a living?

    I am contractor for a company that builds Fiber Optics Networks, I am one of a group of engineering designers responsible for planning how to bring fiber optics to commercial and residential buildings. It is a great job, cn't complain.
  6. Darth_Razor

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    The King in Yellow has invited me himself to the next Masquerade Ball at the Palace, I hope to see you there, XOXO
  7. Darth_Razor

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    whaaaat?, whyyyyyyyyyy?, wheeeeeeeeeeere? WHEEEEEEERE IS THE SIGN? WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE?
  8. Darth_Razor

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    Smooth sailing, thanks a lot!
  9. Darth_Razor

    Nothing to see here

  10. Darth_Razor

    Hangar Queens and Party Favors, WTS!

    I'll take one of each of these: ADD-ONS - VULCAN SKIN PACK WARBOND STANDALONE SHIP - ANVIL HAWK LTI I'll PM you. Thanks!
  11. Darth_Razor

    Buybacks available :)

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
  12. Darth_Razor

    Blind Owl's Emporium of Things and Such

    why, why, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
  13. Darth_Razor

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Is that nox kue $40 LTI still available?, if so, I want it. Let me know, Thanks
  14. Darth_Razor

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Hi Spudnyk, I'm interested in this one Aopoa Nox Kue - $40 - LTI - 1
  15. Darth_Razor

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    Hey DG I'm looking for an X1, I'll PM you
  16. Darth_Razor

    Meet the new RSI Aurora

    has seen better days for sure...
  17. Darth_Razor

    Buybacks available :)

    Hi Elmy, lemme know if you still have this: Starfarer Gemini from Constellation Aquila - 30$
  18. Darth_Razor

    Meet the new RSI Aurora

    I thought I'd show you guys my Aurora...
  19. Darth_Razor

    New Netflix original Extinction

    I liked the idea, however, it lacks a punch.
  20. Darth_Razor

    Blind Owl's Emporium of Things and Such

    Hi Blind Owl, I'm interested in these two: -SHIP UPGRADES - STARFARER GEMINI TO CARRACK UPGRADE - $60.00 USD -STANDALONE SHIP - ORIGIN 125A WARBOND LTI - $50 USD If you still have those, please PM me, thanks
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