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  1. Wardak

    o7 m8s

    I heard ESO isn't that great but I don't know. Welcome aboard
  2. Wardak

    Just leaving this here.

  3. Wardak


    You really don't need more than the Aurora
  4. Wardak

    What is this Magical Place?

    Didn't know you can level in that game
  5. Wardak

    DirtyPaws Here

    Let me just put this barrier up really quick
  6. Wardak

    DirtyPaws Here

    I don't think I want to be anywhere near that
  7. Wardak

    Banu Merchantman

    You can acquire all of the ships they have offered in-game.
  8. Wardak

    When it begins

    I heard that the Super Hornet will be used during the campaign. I might be wrong.
  9. Wardak

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  10. Wardak


    That's a terrible recruiting video if that is what it is. They look like they are having a terrible time. It should be more like this.
  11. Wardak

    Anyone picking up X-Rebirth today?

    I was watching it on Twitch last night. It didn't look that great.
  12. Wardak

    Your Role and Ship Choice in Star Citizen

    I wouldn't mind gunning someones ship as long as the pilot is really good or the other way around.
  13. Wardak

    TekTrixter, Reporting for Booty

    May need to actually spend some time talking to them before I can trust i'm safe around these people.
  14. Wardak


    Go get us one of those Xi'An Ships
  15. Wardak

    TekTrixter, Reporting for Booty

    Sometimes i'm not sure if i want to meet people from the internet.
  16. Wardak

    DirtyPaws Here

    Just needs a good petting
  17. Wardak

    LuLu Reporting for Doodie

    Idris *cough *cough
  18. Wardak

    LuLu Reporting for Doodie

    I used to drink a lot when I played EVE. Died a lot because of it. Always would end up laughing about it afterwards though.
  19. Wardak

    Make teh memes

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