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  1. N

    The Business of War

    I think the same, but more from the inverse perspective. He wants to keep the economy running 'out in space, not on paper'. Since players will only make up a minority proportion of the economy (in contrast to NPCs), so will the supplies for the planets and factories. They won't be waiting for...
  2. N

    First views of the Cutlass

    This ship and boarding got me pledged for the game. "PREPARE FOR BOARDING! We're going in raw, hot, and dirty!"
  3. N

    How would you work a 250 budget?

    If you already have a 325i package, I'd go something that isn't a fighter role or swap it for a Hornet package. Cover the fighter and money-maker ship roles then see what you have left for fun. I have a Hornet package and the Freelancer. After seeing the Hornet variants, I have faith the...
  4. N

    Damn the torpedos, FULL SPEED AHEAD!

    Hello my fellow crash TEST squadies! Just checkin in on the forums. Getting ready for some space mayhem. Hoping there are some others I can organize in with for some high stakes operations. Where you from stranger? The CLT NC. What drew you to Star Citizen? The feature that got my money...
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