
  1. DirectorGunner

    Player Economy 3.10 - Player Time ROI

    I normally do not take the time to comment on a particular patch on RSI Spectrum or anywhere for that matter... but when people start messaging me "&^%$ this game, I'm going back to X" over a patch... and then when I see that same mentality on the Twitch.TV streams I follow... well... then I...
  2. SullyQuindarius

    Waaah, Derek Dumb blocked me on Twitter D:

    ...All I did was make one little post... just two words... It was on his rant about how, "We *all* rail on Chris for being a terrible game dev..." on the CryTek lawsuit. I posted "You ≠ all". And he blocked me! This nefarious action requires an immediate and opposite reaction! I say we pretend...
  3. marcsand2

    VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen

    VirtualAce is a liar and the terrible org leader of Aerospace Alliance, an organization with 400+ members. He gets people to join his org by chatting to them in-game and lying to them. They think he is actually nice, but its the exact opposite! The Star Citizen community is built upon the...
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