
  1. DarkMennoch

    Greetings TESTicles!

    Hello all, I'm Mennoch, or Dark, whatever name you really wanna call me in truth, been called many names over the course of my long time being a gamer, might as well call me Legion, lol. I'm pretty new to Star Citizen, even though I've been following it since 2014, I've just recently decided to...
  2. BurntMahSoup

    Coming in hot!

    As if we were back on Earth when Super Sonic Jets were coming in hot and fast for the first time to human technology, BurntMahSoup here is returning to Star Citizen for the first time since buying in to the Kick Starter. Hey everyone! I have only hopped on over the years to test playability and...
  3. Kneeyul

    Oh hai!

    Hi, my name's Neil, and I like to pretend I'm clever by using the handle "Kneeyul" because phonetics are phun. Actually, I'm married to an English teacher and I liek to mayk mehstakes two anoi hurr. I've followed Star Citizen since the Kickstarter, but did not pledge until last December...
  4. Timmy Bone

    I heard this was the best Squardon.

    Test, Honestly I wanted to join because of the name, I'm stationed on a Test base for the USAF so I though I might as well join a test squadron here too. Then I saw what you guys do, the activity you have, and the many people who seem excited to actually play with a group of people they could...
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