
  1. Duckforceone

    Simpit Wall plating test

    So having recently been lured back to star citizen, and since i now have a nice 3D printer, i have been looking up simpits for the last many days to gather inspiration and ideas. And i am thinking i want to in the end have a small room simulator. But since extruded aluminum is so expensive...
  2. Knightwolf

    My Virpil, GameGlass setup

    Here are some images of my Virpil Custom setup I thought I would share. I put the Virpil Primes on VESA arms to make it easy to move them out of the way when not in use. When they are in use I made a custom piece that attaches to my keyboard tray so they will not move while in use. Just added...
  3. marcsand2

    TEST simpit, BEST simpit

    I know, I should put some more text here, but first TL;DR I have a bunch of controllers which gave me a hard time to get arranged. @Just Jake infected me with the idea to build a simple simpit. After he shared some pics and ideas for his new awesome simpit, @Just Jake gave guidance for the...
  4. Reyalp CB4

    Its almost Chirstmas Who wants to get me one.

    so this was on the SC reddit last night. Time to take side jobs
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