13 Min until Oculus special live event on Twitch


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
You're absolutely right. I think the bundle is driven pretty strongly by the fact that the Vive will be (should be?) launching with the wands and Oculus doesn't want to seem like it's shipping with less equipment for a similar price point. It's all about driving sales at the retail consumer level. Palmer has been very much an advocate for getting VR into the hands of as many people as possible. If including a controller will increase total sales (even with a higher price point) then I'm not surprised that's the route their taking. However, I'll be buying whichever one is a better headset as I, like yourself, have all the input devices I can handle right now.


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Xbox controller, yhak, but whatever, we get it, mainstream media device yabbedy yabbedy
But have you seen the coked out chubby dude? (he carried that event with his enthusiasm alone)

This controller is GENIUS!
I am telling you guys, vive, oculus, shmokkulus, the screens will be like mobile devices today. I don't give a damn about 5.5inch android phone having ultraHD resolution, but it does drain my battery twice as fast. I want to bet that most people wouldnt tell a difference between devices, will be an endless 360/ps3 debate

But have you guys tried DK2? Your input devices will make the VR king. This one is small, light, compact, tracks position externally, and scans FINGERS. If they seamlessly allow us to wave and flip people off, this war will be over right here. I mean it, oculus is on top of their game here and it will be a quick battle


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
My biggest complaint about the Xbone controllers is that I can guarentee you it's going to get the 50 bucks or so lumped into the price, which is annoying to me. I already have several gamepads, and I really don't need another.

Unless they offer a CV sans Xbone controller in which case, I would be happy.
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Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
xbox partnership? facebook partnership? No thanks, i'll pass. MS will eff everything up.
And about xbone controller...
I had xbox controller once. Wireless receiver broke and guess what? I can't use wired connection, i can only charge using usb cord and now my controller is completely useless unless i purchase another wireless receiver which cost almost like controller itself. Really?
I ended up using dualshock 3 for a while which worked great, now i use dualshock 4 which also works great. Wired connection? No problem. Wireless? Here, use default bluetooth. Hell, i even can connect DS3/DS4 to my android phone, fire up epsxe, mirror image to TV and basically have portable PS1 in my pocket!
Also i bet you can't just drop this from package to reduce price if you don't need xbone controller.
Also having this controller in bundle will just force developers optimizing their VR games for xbone controller. What if i just want to use my saitek x55... or my logitech g27... or just keyboard and mouse? Will it be like other shitty console ports, which is only playable using console controllers?
Oh and...
Same eve: valkyrie video which they had on website for ages
Chronos? The hell is this and why it needs oculus? Third-person something in VR? WTF?
And so on...

Butthurt, butthurt everywhere! Valve, i'm counting on you. I'm still looking at oculus, but i'm not hyped about it anymore.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
My biggest complaint about the Xbone controllers is that I can guarentee you it's going to get the 50 bucks or so lumped into the price, which is annoying to me. I already have several gamepads, and I really don't need another.

Unless they offer a CV sans Xbone controller in which case, I would be happy.
This is literally my whole grump.


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
This is literally my whole grump.
I really don't know. Chris Robertses of oculus always said that the first generation of VR will be an aggressive fight for the marketshare and not profit. They know that VR will probably end up in every corner of every industry and are playing long term game right now. MS is also taking huge hits in the console world. They need to couple brand recognition with quality and ''future", and whats better than seeing an xbox controller at your friends house playing VR games.

There is a small chance that it wont cost us anything, just saying


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
I will strap a Camera to my head and render the real world in minecraft theme.
This is the future of gaming.

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