or , 300 * 60! Just think what Leonidas could have done at Thermopylae with an additional 18000 TESTies?9000 x 2 !
Our org is literally Spiderman pointing a finger at Spiderman meme.Does this mean we’re now the largest piracy org in SC?
With a parrot on his shoulder.Our org is literally Spiderman pointing a finger at Spiderman meme.
I am honestly curious as to how many of our member found test thanks to you. I know your the reason i am here.TEST SQUADRON - BEST SQUARDON
Today 18000
Tomorrow the 'Verse
If I am responsible for your being a TESTie then I am very happy & honoured (British spelling hehehe)I know your the reason i am here.
give this man a beerso an average of 8 beers each.... times 18000 members... times 365 days a year...
That's over 52 MILLION BEERS a YEAR