2020 AnniVERSEary Sale...THIS YEAR!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I want a heavy fighter (I'm more of a face-tank sort of fighter, I stink at being agile in any way) so trying to decide which Vanguard I'd like. Any input on which variant is better for PVE/NPC toe-to-toe type of fighting? or other options I haven't thought about?
If you want armor and smashy smashy get the Harbinger.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle

Once I get a few CCUs and shuffle stuff this is what I'll have.

Cutlass Red + Apollo for Medical, Vulcan for support/refuel/repair. Herald + MSR for hacking/info running. MSR and Caterpillar for cargo. Corsair for longer range runs and general fuckery. Buccaneer because I need at least one dedicated combat ship and I figure if I take one that has a reputation for being a deathtrap people will just naturally expect me to die and I won't disappoint.

Eventually might get some Caterpillar modules (if CIG ever actually gets modularity working lol) but I think I'm quite happy with my fleet. Nomad may get a CCU from....something depending on what it is but personally I have no desire to own a big ship like Carrack, Polaris, or Kraken.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I want a heavy fighter (I'm more of a face-tank sort of fighter, I stink at being agile in any way) so trying to decide which Vanguard I'd like. Any input on which variant is better for PVE/NPC toe-to-toe type of fighting? or other options I haven't thought about?
As Blind Owl said, the Harbinger is a solid choice.
Warden is all about absorbing and giving a beatdown.
Sentinel comes stock with Stealth components. I enjoy fighting with it but not a great choice for brawling.
Hoplite is fun with a crowd, we use them in CFT's to move people around.

The Freelancers can come close to this role - a fully upgraded MIS is a object of terror.

Otherwise.. not much. 'Agility tanking' is the survival strategy for most light and medium fighters, until armor is implemented properly and we see what it can do.

In the wise words of Mr. Miyagi, "Best way to block punch, No Be There".


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
So this is what I currently have in my hangar, plus $1000 of store credit.

The Origin ships are there simply because they are flyable and I was getting bored with only having a couple of ships I could actually play around with, they are in an old $2100 origin complete pack, and I have no intention of keeping them.

I have Idris, and Kraken in buy backs should I ever feel the need to unmelt them (I dont, I am getting put off the larger capital ships more and more each year) If the Perseus is available to upgrade to I have a spare Lti P72 to use as a base, after that I will probably just lock the rest up in a company pack and call it quits.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I want a heavy fighter (I'm more of a face-tank sort of fighter, I stink at being agile in any way) so trying to decide which Vanguard I'd like. Any input on which variant is better for PVE/NPC toe-to-toe type of fighting? or other options I haven't thought about?
I prefer the Warden, with the current mechanics. Granted I have a pair of BUKs and once the modules are in place the Warden gets CCU'd to a Harby, so I have all three.

Any of them fill that role, the question is which role do you eventually want to fill.

The direction Torps seem to be going doesn't sit well with me so I may never get that Harby CCU.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Updating my list:

Mustang Delta..."but why?"

Glad you asked...

Touted as a light fighter....which is possible, but not the perfect roll for it to fill. It's perfect as an infantry close air support ship...

CIG's version of..........

View attachment 19125
Thinking about it, a Valk probably should have a pair of rocket pods under those stub wings.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Nothing is crazy.
Do you have a second Carrack? If not, then don't upgrade the only one you have to HH. The Carrack is freaking amazing.
I actually do have a second carrack. I'd probably want to upgrade it but the choices are limited. I'm not really looking to be big into combat, just the occasional foray when the timing is convenient.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Thinking about it, a Valk probably should have a pair of rocket pods under those stub wings.
The Valkyrie is *so* close to being a good ship, it really could have done with things like this.

Nerfing the chin turret to size two when its the same turret thats on the sides of the Freelancers was bullshit as well.
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