3.7 Trade Routes

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
The other night I was doing an A,B,C cargo hauling run, bought some medical supplies as the B cargo,... wouldn’t sell, went to multiple locations, wouldn’t work, got frustrated, went back to PO, logged,... next day logged in, went to Levski and was able to sell them,... not sure if it was a glitch or what,...
if they have enough medical supply they won't buy until there is need for more.
Did similar run a wile back came to places and they didn't take it I sat down in a chair took a coffee break tried again a couple min later.
And they bought part of it then no more, so did that on all places where they didn't take it I gave it a couple min and then I got some sold.
Demand and supply.. to much supply and they stop buying until demand goes up.



Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Unless you can find one of those areas that buy medical supplies in bulk (I have not found any yet in 3.7.1), med supplies are very hard to trade in now. Even in those places that take a lot, if you get in right after a MAX or a Caterpillar drops off a load, you are going to be sitting a while. I've heard the same goes for Laranite.

There are still a few things that trade relatively well though, just don't expect the big ticket items to at the moment.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Unless you can find one of those areas that buy medical supplies in bulk (I have not found any yet in 3.7.1), med supplies are very hard to trade in now. Even in those places that take a lot, if you get in right after a MAX or a Caterpillar drops off a load, you are going to be sitting a while. I've heard the same goes for Laranite.

There are still a few things that trade relatively well though, just don't expect the big ticket items to at the moment.
I have not found any of the items with a cost over 10aUEC to sell at more than 5000 units at a time, or only have 5000 units to purchase. While a Caterpillar could fill their cargo with medical supplies from Hicks they would be stuck with a lot of medical supplies they would be unable to unload quickly.

While sites like https://www.versemate.com/Trade/Index and that trade recharge rate posted earlier are great they lack the needed information on trade caps and why my current trade route is a single commodity picked up and taken to PO with no return goods.


Dec 4, 2018
RSI Handle
I found some very useful trade info here also:

I decided to upgrade my non-functional Cutty to a Freelancer Max and do some trading last night. So far, it's rough going but I'm gonna stick with it and see what I can do.

I ran into the exact same issues that you pointed out Bambooza, trying to trade Agricium. I'm gonna try another short route trading Laranite today and see how that goes.

I'll keep you posted.


Ok, I ran Laranite from Wala to Area 18 with no return cargo. Buy price was 27.57 and Sell price was 30.9 for a 3.36 profit. The trip from Area 18 to get to the screen at 045 was about 16:30 and the trip back to Area 18 to the trade screen was about 13:30. I could only buy about 48 to 53 SCU out of 120 total space. The trade terminal limits your buy quantity so I had to wait and ended up taking 30 minutes on the second trip to get back to the trade screen at Area 18 to make about 17K profit.... rough.
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Space Marshal
Jul 2, 2014
RSI Handle
I a-b-c-a route and i'll share

PO - > Terra Mills HydroFarm (agriculture, shit profit but starts the run)

Terra Mills Hydrofarm -> R&R CRU-L4 ( distilled spirits )

R&R CRU-L4 -> PO ( scrap)

Rinse - Repeat

I start doing this route in my cat with 15k and by the time im back ive usually doubled, I continue this route and usually double up as i started low. I havent maxed out my cat yet due to server crashes or me crashes.
I'm going to try this one next time I log on. I have been doing smaller A to B to A runs from Port Olisar(Medical Supplies or nothing) to Yela ArcCorp Mining Area 157(Flourine) and back to Port Olisar to sell. It usually nets around 3800 UEC with a full cargo hold(120 SCU) in my Freelancer MAX, and I can do the run pretty quickly. I have been sticking to basic trading as I have been hosed too many times with the delivery missions.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm going to try this one next time I log on. I have been doing smaller A to B to A runs from Port Olisar(Medical Supplies or nothing) to Yela ArcCorp Mining Area 157(Flourine) and back to Port Olisar to sell. It usually nets around 3800 UEC with a full cargo hold(120 SCU) in my Freelancer MAX, and I can do the run pretty quickly. I have been sticking to basic trading as I have been hosed too many times with the delivery missions.
This run is simple but nets well, wont be long until you have a decent amount of cash.


Space Marshal
Feb 1, 2015
RSI Handle
My easy run good for new to trading players wanting a bit-o-danger!
1. Take personal box delivery jobs from Levski going to planets orbiting crusader for 8000-9000 aUEC each (I like to do two at a time).
2. Deliver the boxes to stash houses and buy Vices from stash houses, (Neon is my go to buy)
3. Deliver vices to grim hex sell for a good Profit! (Sometimes you can only sell a little at a time so you have to hang out until it lets you sell it all).
4. Sometimes I buy scrap from Grim Hex and sell it back to Levski. Other times I take a different quicker ship back.


The stash houses you can't jump directly to so you have to get as close as you can and fly there the old fashioned way. Sometimes you can try to jump between two outposts and manualy drop out of QT closer to the stash house your trying to get to.
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Space Marshal
Feb 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Also thought to add that to me it seems the outposts on planets orbiting Crusader get more traffic than those outposts on planets orbiting Arcorp and Hurston. I've had better luck buying larger amounts of valuable minerals away from Crusader.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Also thought to add that to me it seems the outposts on planets orbiting Crusader get more traffic than those outposts on planets orbiting Arcorp and Hurston. I've had better luck buying larger amounts of valuable minerals away from Crusader.
Yes, you want to get away from Crusader when you're picking up a trade run, but you really do not want to trade at either Area 18 or Lorville unless you like long ass trips up and down the gravity well that more than make up for the trip back to Crusader. Sometimes local trade can be fine, but beware that ArcCorp is prone to bugs.


Space Marshal
Feb 1, 2015
RSI Handle
but beware that ArcCorp is prone to bugs.
Yes I know, 18 can be super glitchy and I have a hard time landing there sometimes. I stick mostly around Hurston for that reason, but Hurston-->levski-->Crusader has been a great triangle to make!


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I made a quick and dirty trade logger with google forms:

Idea behind of it is to find the routes others did and compare them with your own routes:

Here is the raw data:


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I tried the Woodruff to PO run hauling Astatine.

I was able to fill the cargo hold which was nice. The end result with 120 SCU was about 17.8K in about a half hour (round trip).

I've thought about saving up to buy a caterpillar in-game so that I can increase the profit of this route as it seems to scale well with cargo size. The parts I like the most is that Both PO and Woodruff have short travel times outside of QT. I've tried to deliver goods to one of the other moons around Hurston but the yellow air makes visibility so low that it's not very safe to go fast at all. But as of this moment, I have not found anything else in the game that earns more then this trade route of 3k a minute. Not even combat missions.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I've thought about saving up to buy a caterpillar in-game so that I can increase the profit of this route as it seems to scale well with cargo size. The parts I like the most is that Both PO and Woodruff have short travel times outside of QT. I've tried to deliver goods to one of the other moons around Hurston but the yellow air makes visibility so low that it's not very safe to go fast at all. But as of this moment, I have not found anything else in the game that earns more then this trade route of 3k a minute. Not even combat missions.
min-maxing FTW

you don't want an 'all-around' ship any more than you want an 'all-around' trade route


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
min-maxing FTW

you don't want an 'all-around' ship any more than you want an 'all-around' trade route
And yet here I am doing the trade route in a Starfarer Gemini. I am excited about the prospect of the Hercules being release Q2 2020. But most of my fleet is really not geared towards any sort of trading and I am wondering if that was a mistake.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
And yet here I am doing the trade route in a Starfarer Gemini. I am excited about the prospect of the Hercules being release Q2 2020. But most of my fleet is really not geared towards any sort of trading and I am wondering if that was a mistake.
if you're thinking in terms of credits/hour, you'll come to the right conclusion
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