I'll add it later. Thank you.Euterpe: diamond, corundum, beryl, aluminum, quartz, agricium, titanium, tungsten, gold, quantanium, copper, heph, laranite, bexalite
Definitely a known issue.question! I mined an asteroid in the asteroid belts I think it was arc4 or something, but upon mining the asteroid breaks apart into pieces and disappears. is this a known issue?
Would confirm and like to add copper, quantanium, tungsten, and heph for Daymarcool thanks. Daymar has agricium, gold, and aluminum. i'll update here if I find more
update* titanium, diamond, beryl, quartz, bexalite, corundum
Please do NOT survey Daymar as it is the subject of next Saturday's RR event.
Taranite, Hephaestanite, Bexalite, Copper, Diamond, Tungsten, Quartz, Titanium, Beryl, Aluminium
Copper, Quartz, Corundium, Titanium, Gold, Beryl, Hephaestanite, Diamond, Tungsten, Aluminium