35th Birthday Stream - Lets Play Rebel Galaxy


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey gang!

So normally I don't post about my twitch channel because I just stream for the fun of it while I'm gaming.
However tonight I will be doing a Let's Play stream of Rebel Galaxy for my 35th and I thought some testies might be interested in.

From what I've heard and seen it's a pretty fun "space cowboy" game with a totally bitch'n soundtrack. Freelancer on 80s roids if you will ...

So yeah, I'm pretty interested in at least trying it for a bit. If you're interested too feel free and stop by to check the game out. Stream expected to start around 9PM EST and will most likely go through the night but ya never know. Length of time playing Rebel Galaxy will frankly depend on my mood. Hope to see you sometime. -Hark


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