I'm glad we can respectfully disagree. Please allow me to add one note of context.
The choice over Afghanistan is not whether war will be fought or not. It's not over whether there will be casualties. Afghanistan is not unique, but it is rare that like Somalia, they have never had anything resembling a real government. What they have instead is constant tribal warfare that goes back throughout all their recorded history. When the US finally does pull out of Afghanistan, it will resume as it was just before the US went in--constant tribal warfare between groups vying for power that care little or nothing about the people who live there.
The Soviets spent a decade in Afghanistan hoping to conquor and quel the violence and make it a part of the Soviet Republic, but they failed because those people don't want a civil life--same in Somalia. There's a rich line about this somewhere in Black Hawk Down, where a Somali overlord is chastising a captive American helicopter pilot, and telling him how they really don't want peace nor anything of that kind.
That's true of Afghanistan. The US has spent outrageous amounts of money building and improving Afghani infrastructure, from water and electricity, to schools, bridges, highways, hospitals and anything else they can think of, all in hopes of wooing the Afghans to a civil society. They don't care. They blow that shit up. They certainly don't want women to read, or think of themselves as more than chattel. No, can't have that.
Understand, given Islamo-fascisim anywhere in the world, there will always be a fight between freedom and those who oppose it. The fascists like Bin Laden want to impose Sharia law on the world by force, and they will always hate anyone who stands for freedom. There is no wishing this away, and it will never be any better than it is now. Some things you just can't fix, and so you have to find a solution that serves, and that is really what Afghanistan is all about. People are going to die whether the US stays or leaves Afghanistan, and most experts especially in the US Army, agree that many more Afghanis will die when the US finally pulls out. That is after all what happened in Korea, and Vietnam, and will happen again and again in our future.