A Dark Echo [Part 5]


Space Marshal
Jan 13, 2016
RSI Handle
A Dark Echo
Part 5
By GeneticPredator

Staring out of the cockpit window the first fighter escorts started to appear in the far distance. We were all frozen with fear of what was happening. My hands were shaking and I felt like I was sitting in a chair of ice.

I could still hear Mitch breathe in my headset - filled with panic, he was almost hyperventilating:
fighting for his life to get back into the ship.

I could hear Thomas crying as well.

Mira didn't say a word, she was probably just as paralyzed with fear as I was.

All we could do was wait and pray for a moment, long enough to turn our ships around and run for home.

I hoped that they would not see us but that small ship we saw earlier, was probably the one disrupting our radar and all other systems, and was sure to give our position away. In the distance we could see one more big light glowing for a few seconds and then fade into darkness.

I knew that if the Vanduul found us it would be a massacre!

The Vanduul didn't stop for anything, nothing was holy to these creatures! In my time in the military, I had seen them slaughter many of my friends. I remembered one of my fellow pilots being rammed by a Scythe with only one engine left.

There was no surrender, no treaties they had to follow. They would not stop until we were all dead!

"Thomas, help me!" Mitch yelled into the intercom. "Pull my rope! My jetpack is almost depleted!"

Thomas replied: "I....I...I can't...my arms... I can't move them."

"Yes you can! Just pull the rope, pull me in or I'll die here!"

Thomas closed his eyes and tried to focus, his body was in a state of shock and was overdosed with adrenaline. He started trying to breathe with long deep breaths, and grabbed the safety rope that was holding Mitch hanging out in space.

"Kingship! I see it!" Mira whispered.

We could now see the front part of the Kingship slowly appearing at the edge of the planet, surrounded by at least twenty Scythes. I had only seen a Vanduul Kingship once before, during my military days. They where huge ships, and very rare! We were told in the military, that if we ever saw one, "big things were in motion".

To be continued...


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Kingship - how do you say go big or go home in Vanduul? ;^)


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