A Few Things............


Nov 21, 2017
RSI Handle
In the last few days i've shifted more Cargo than Eddie Stobbart

Everytime i board my Buccaneer and i hear that sexy voice saying welcome to your ship i get a hard on , at my age without viagra its a miracle , i'm sure she is impressed . I'd like to meet her and bang the shit out of her .

355,000 cr , hard going today as prices have dropped in eveyone's favourite metal "Laranite" its at 81cr at Olisar now to buy , it was 93cr yesterday .

Servers whilst stable are mostly in the 20fps bracket today , so I guess all the pissheads from NYE have woke up and flooded the stie , i did see....wait for.......it.........226 fps inside my HAB , decided nah fukit , i'll quit an come back in case the server melts .
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