A <slightly> more detailed hello...o7

Arrogant Devil

Nov 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
I'm actually from North Florida.

What drew you to Star Citizen?

Just......Everything really. But I'd have to say that what drew me to Star Citizen the most, was how the bigger ships will need an actual crew. And the ideas for PvP fleet combat. But, no really. Everything.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

PvP, Exploration, and SAR

What was the first game you remember playing?

Now this is a hard one, it would either be Super Mario on the original NES or the original Zelda.

What other games do you play?
Eve Online, Elite Dangerous, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Need for Speed, Titan Fall, Call of Duty, and many others.......and yes, I really have a lot of time on my hands. :P

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

I first heard about Test Squadron on a YouTube video from Bored Gamer that was a highlight video. What convinced me to join was the silliness. That's right....I said it....Silliness.

Picard or Kirk?


If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?
As much as I like the old Kirk, the new Kirk is more like myself so I would have to go with New Kirk.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
I'm actually from North Florida.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Just......Everything really. But I'd have to say that what drew me to Star Citizen the most, was how the bigger ships will need an actual crew. And the ideas for PvP fleet combat. But, no really. Everything.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

PvP, Exploration, and SAR

What was the first game you remember playing?

Now this is a hard one, it would either be Super Mario on the original NES or the original Zelda.

What other games do you play?
Eve Online, Elite Dangerous, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Need for Speed, Titan Fall, Call of Duty, and many others.......and yes, I really have a lot of time on my hands. :P

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

I first heard about Test Squadron on a YouTube video from Bored Gamer that was a highlight video. What convinced me to join was the silliness. That's right....I said it....Silliness.

Picard or Kirk?


If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?
As much as I like the old Kirk, the new Kirk is more like myself so I would have to go with New Kirk.
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