A vet that just needs to vent. R-RATED


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
For those who do not know today in the U.S.A is veterans day. A day we use to thank and remember all who have served in our armed forces. This is coming right after a crazy election where many people are unhappy with the results. And I, (A vet) just need to vent about all the stupidity going on right now. so be warned.

WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! you clam the next president is a hate filled guy that is going to bring down the nation. So what is your answer to this? well watch this video....
SIDE NOTE: If you have family or live in Chargo, LA, or NY please be careful.
Ok here is the thing I did not vote for Trump, be he has BEEN ELECTED, IT IS OVER, and YOUR DUMB ASS idea of how to fight hate is with more hate. I want to slap you outside the head. YOU ARE DISHONORING everyone that has fought for your freedom, and those that have DIED for it. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO ATTACKING PEOPLE YOU DISAGREE WITH. YOU IDJIT. THAT IS ABOUT AS UN-AMERICAN AS YOU CAN GET. I am Ashamed to call my self an America right now. this fear, this hate HAS TO STOP. THIS IS THE LAND OF THE FREE. NOT THE LAND WERE WE KILL EVERYONE WE DON'T AGREE WITH. That is what ISIS and their friends are. Look You don't have to agree with trump. but here is what you have to do. you have to stop the hate YOU, not trump, but YOU are spilling out. Here is the thing, Trump has not broken the law you have, you have invalidated yourselves. Here is the thing, IF Trump tries to take away anyone's constitutional freedom. I will defend freedom, no matter the cost. but he is not the one taking freedom away, YOU ARE. And I will defend the freedom others died for, from all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC. Right now that means you. so cut it out.

Honestly I am just fed up, I just needed to rant a little, feel free to take this post down if it need to admins. Have a good day and God fucking bless America even when we act the idiot.


Oct 11, 2016
RSI Handle
You let it out buddie.
Remembrance Day (sometimes known informally as Poppy Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919,[1] the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most countries to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]
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Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
On my mind too, @sum1 .

Riots just trashed downtown Portland about 4 blocks from my place. Chanting "peaceful protest" while they broke every window in every restaurant and shop, smashed and burned cars, attacked reporters and threw bricks at cars trying to pass.

If they want to understand how they lost, they did it by insulting and ignoring all opposing viewpoints. All the while, lying to their own voting base about how evil everyone who disagrees with them is and misrepresenting their positions on EVERY issue. The earned their defeat twice over and their behavior now makes it clear that this was the better outcome.

6 years US Army and I volunteered after a President I didn't vote for decided we were off to war. This is disgraceful.

If I continue, I will say stuff I will regret. But I am right there with you, @sum1 .
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Sep 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm going to post something here that I wrote for my Facebook. To be transparent, I am an active-duty military servicemember and an ardent independent who strongly advocates for third party prominence.

Brace yourselves, this is a long one:

In the midst of the ridiculous artificial divisions people are furiously creating, i'd like to remind everyone that you shouldn't be throwing away friendships with people you've spent years respecting based on mutual appreciation for similar and endearing personal qualities and character, just because you're all equally politically ignorant (lol don't get angry, i'm just being an ass).

Why? Because when things get heated, we like to ignore that, for the most part, we all literally believe in the same things, with differences in how we expect those things to be achieved.

For example:

We all essentially believe in gender equality, it's just that some of us believe we already have it and some of us believe we're nowhere near it.

We all essentially believe in racial equality, it's just that some of us believe races have self-divided culturally and some of us believe that some races have forced others to divide culturally.

We all essentially believe in religious freedom, it's just that some of us believe some religions advocate bad things and some of us believe the good overshadows the bad (and some people believe there should be no religion at all, and that's fine too).

We all essentially believe that everyone should be wealthy and educated, it's just that some of us believe we should make rules to balance disparities and some of us believe those rules have the opposite effect.

But there is only one thing that actually matters, that many of us are forgetting because of the petty differences accentuated by the political strategies of two diametrically opposed groups of ruling elites: the fact that we are all guided by a single set of ultimately moral and uniquely American principles - liberty, freedom, and justice. These are the things that all of us actually truly want, whether we voted for Trump, Hillary, or (lol best of all) neither.

When you debate the merits of a political viewpoint, remember this. The person you are arguing against does not actually want you to suffer, or be oppressed, or be marginalized (unless you're just firing insults out of a minigun, then they probably want to kill you). They just have a different perception of suffering, oppression, and marginalization, regardless of whether or not their perception is right or wrong.

Obviously there are people out there who genuinely hate, discriminate, or ignore rationality, but i'm pretty sure i'm not Facebook friends with any of them, so this doesn't apply to those people. This applies to you, people I know (mostly), who are not unaccommodating, who are not uncompromising, and who, if I truly needed it, would shelter and protect me from those who are, regardless of how I feel about your shitty presidential candidate. I'd certainly hope so, because i'd do the same for you, regardless of how you feel about my shitty presidential candidate.

Unity is what makes us American. Opinion is what makes us freely American. Don't hate people because of their opinion, no matter how much you hate their opinion. All that does is increase the number of people we keep seeing on TV get beaten to a pulp because they had a Trump or Hillary sticker on their car.

Sometimes two friends fight to literally resolve their differences. Afterwards, they get back up, dust each other off, and form an even stronger, more unbreakable friendship with a closer mutual understanding of the issues they had. This requires a mutual restraint based on the fact that neither of them actually hates the other. Let's apply that here, and not turn this particular fight lethal.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks, I'm clear of it. I don't work downtown, just live near it. They targeted businesses and cars indiscriminately last night. If they start targeting homes, they better bring kevlar.
More riots expected tonight. Probably will avoid driving after dark at least until Monday.
Only 17% of this county went to Trump and this is who they attack.
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Violence is not the answer. These people are fucking imbeciles and should have their right to vote revoked - but that's not what America is about.

I disagree with a President Trump, but the good news is that this should serve as a deep shock to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), and hopefully force them to expunge the "Clinton Political Economy" that they have relied on - and were failed by. A return to the proper Democratic values is needed.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Violence is not the answer. These people are fucking imbeciles and should have their right to vote revoked - but that's not what America is about.

I disagree with a President Trump, but the good news is that this should serve as a deep shock to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), and hopefully force them to expunge the "Clinton Political Economy" that they have relied on - and were failed by. A return to the proper Democratic values is needed.
Betcha money revoking their right to vote doesnt change anything, they are the ones who probably didnt vote.


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
That moment you think about it, and go oh wait, the DNC rigger their election for Clinton, if they hadn't we would probably be talking about PE Bernie. talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
For those who do not know today in the U.S.A is veterans day. A day we use to thank and remember all who have served in our armed forces. This is coming right after a crazy election where many people are unhappy with the results. And I, (A vet) just need to vent about all the stupidity going on right now. so be warned.

WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA?!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! you clam the next president is a hate filled guy that is going to bring down the nation. So what is your answer to this? well watch this video....
SIDE NOTE: If you have family or live in Chargo, LA, or NY please be careful.
Ok here is the thing I did not vote for Trump, be he has BEEN ELECTED, IT IS OVER, and YOUR DUMB ASS idea of how to fight hate is with more hate. I want to slap you outside the head. YOU ARE DISHONORING everyone that has fought for your freedom, and those that have DIED for it. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO ATTACKING PEOPLE YOU DISAGREE WITH. YOU IDJIT. THAT IS ABOUT AS UN-AMERICAN AS YOU CAN GET. I am Ashamed to call my self an America right now. this fear, this hate HAS TO STOP. THIS IS THE LAND OF THE FREE. NOT THE LAND WERE WE KILL EVERYONE WE DON'T AGREE WITH. That is what ISIS and their friends are. Look You don't have to agree with trump. but here is what you have to do. you have to stop the hate YOU, not trump, but YOU are spilling out. Here is the thing, Trump has not broken the law you have, you have invalidated yourselves. Here is the thing, IF Trump tries to take away anyone's constitutional freedom. I will defend freedom, no matter the cost. but he is not the one taking freedom away, YOU ARE. And I will defend the freedom others died for, from all enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC. Right now that means you. so cut it out.

Honestly I am just fed up, I just needed to rant a little, feel free to take this post down if it need to admins. Have a good day and God fucking bless America even when we act the idiot.
This makes me sick my friend. I pray for the safety of all of my American friends and service compatriots. I'm sorry this is happening. It's certainly shining a light on some dark and dank corners of societies issues. Stay safe, all of you.
You let it out buddie.
Remembrance Day (sometimes known informally as Poppy Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919,[1] the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most countries to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]
Spent my morning at the Rememberance Day Ceremony here in Kingston On.
'They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.'
Thank you to all who have served, and who continue to serve.
I'm going to post something here that I wrote for my Facebook. To be transparent, I am an active-duty military servicemember and an ardent independent who strongly advocates for third party prominence.

Brace yourselves, this is a long one:

In the midst of the ridiculous artificial divisions people are furiously creating, i'd like to remind everyone that you shouldn't be throwing away friendships with people you've spent years respecting based on mutual appreciation for similar and endearing personal qualities and character, just because you're all equally politically ignorant (lol don't get angry, i'm just being an ass).

Why? Because when things get heated, we like to ignore that, for the most part, we all literally believe in the same things, with differences in how we expect those things to be achieved.

For example:

We all essentially believe in gender equality, it's just that some of us believe we already have it and some of us believe we're nowhere near it.

We all essentially believe in racial equality, it's just that some of us believe races have self-divided culturally and some of us believe that some races have forced others to divide culturally.

We all essentially believe in religious freedom, it's just that some of us believe some religions advocate bad things and some of us believe the good overshadows the bad (and some people believe there should be no religion at all, and that's fine too).

We all essentially believe that everyone should be wealthy and educated, it's just that some of us believe we should make rules to balance disparities and some of us believe those rules have the opposite effect.

But there is only one thing that actually matters, that many of us are forgetting because of the petty differences accentuated by the political strategies of two diametrically opposed groups of ruling elites: the fact that we are all guided by a single set of ultimately moral and uniquely American principles - liberty, freedom, and justice. These are the things that all of us actually truly want, whether we voted for Trump, Hillary, or (lol best of all) neither.

When you debate the merits of a political viewpoint, remember this. The person you are arguing against does not actually want you to suffer, or be oppressed, or be marginalized (unless you're just firing insults out of a minigun, then they probably want to kill you). They just have a different perception of suffering, oppression, and marginalization, regardless of whether or not their perception is right or wrong.

Obviously there are people out there who genuinely hate, discriminate, or ignore rationality, but i'm pretty sure i'm not Facebook friends with any of them, so this doesn't apply to those people. This applies to you, people I know (mostly), who are not unaccommodating, who are not uncompromising, and who, if I truly needed it, would shelter and protect me from those who are, regardless of how I feel about your shitty presidential candidate. I'd certainly hope so, because i'd do the same for you, regardless of how you feel about my shitty presidential candidate.

Unity is what makes us American. Opinion is what makes us freely American. Don't hate people because of their opinion, no matter how much you hate their opinion. All that does is increase the number of people we keep seeing on TV get beaten to a pulp because they had a Trump or Hillary sticker on their car.

Sometimes two friends fight to literally resolve their differences. Afterwards, they get back up, dust each other off, and form an even stronger, more unbreakable friendship with a closer mutual understanding of the issues they had. This requires a mutual restraint based on the fact that neither of them actually hates the other. Let's apply that here, and not turn this particular fight lethal.
Very well said. I'm not American, but I agree with this with every ounce ofg my being. I cannot help but wonder as to why the rest of the world cannot see as you do.
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