Alien Ships


Dec 4, 2014
RSI Handle

Am I the only one who's really liking the alien ships so far? I feel like I'm probably going to be using the Karthu-Al as a ship of choice, and the Scythe is a close second. And, of course, the Banu Merchantmen will probably be one of the best trade ships you can get.

Of course, there are some good UEE ships, but the alien ships really take the cake.

Actually, I'm wondering if you can fly captured alien ships? So far, the alien ships have needed modified control surfaces for human use:
"The export model features the same Xi’an maneuvering rig, but control surfaces modified for human use and a more limited armament."
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
The Xian scout is going to be my daily driver.

I was sold on it the second I saw the pictures.


Dec 4, 2014
RSI Handle
The Xian scout is going to be my daily driver.

I was sold on it the second I saw the pictures.
I'm sure it'll be really good for racing. With the maneuverability, and speed..

Semphis Rythorn

Rear Admiral
Aug 9, 2014
RSI Handle
When i saw the Scout i was impressed and decided to get one myself.

there might be a chance i might CCU the starfarer into a merchantman later on but not going to jump ship just yet.

Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
When i saw the Scout i was impressed and decided to get one myself.

there might be a chance i might CCU the starfarer into a merchantman later on but not going to jump ship just yet.
Are you going to be able to CCU a ship to another one twice its price? I didn't think that was possible.


Vice Admiral
Dec 1, 2014
RSI Handle
Are you going to be able to CCU a ship to another one twice its price? I didn't think that was possible.
They've maintained that you'll be able to CCU as long as both ships are flyable and the one you have is lower in price than the one you're moving to.


Dec 4, 2014
RSI Handle
Prepare for a huge wall of text.

I just realized something. The Vanduul Scythe is a medium fighter, right? Wouldn't that mean there are light and heavy fighters?
But the Scythe is already very fast and maneuverable. What, with two main engines and 16 maneuvering thrusters (according the the specs page, though I thought it was 12).

So, what would that mean for a light fighter from the Vanduul? And why have we not seen it? Perhaps the Scythe is already fast enough. But if that's the case, what are all the light fighters being used for? And for that matter, where are all the heavy fighters?

The Scythe already carries a nice payload, according to the specs page, so they wouldn't need heavy fighters. Would they? Well, we've only ever seen the Vanduul in dogfights with other one-man ships. Perhaps the heavy fighters would be used against a larger ship, like a Constellation.

Because of the Vanduul's warlike nature, we can assume these ships to have very high quality weapons systems. But that brings us to the question: Who's making them? (I got this from an SC video I watched at one point. I forget what is was, but it covered the various ship producers in the game.) Judging from the interior of the Scythe, we can tell it is of very high quality.

However, this goes against all we know about the Vanduul. They work in mobile warbands, claiming everything they find for themselves. And they're ruthless, killing off entire planets. But they only fly their own ships. And luxurious ones, at that! This would mean that, somewhere, Vanduul are making ships.

But why would they do this? Surely they can just use the ships they take (I can assure you, every single ship on the planet doesn't explode after the Vanduul raid it), instead of making new ones. They also make weapons, as shown by the aces in AC, who have personalized loadouts. This means that they're not just making ships out of scrap, so they can raid things. These ships are very well made, by some Vanduul organization(?) who takes pride in their ships.

However, the Vanduul travel in warbands. They don't have planets covered in cities where they live, as shown by the very structure of their bodies. So they couldn't have a dedicated ship factory. Could they?

Well, we already know the Starfarer has an addon to manufacture fuel in space. This, in theory, proves the manufacturing of stuff on mobile ships possible. Except, fuel is a far cry from dedicated fighter ships. To make whole ships, you'd need ships as big as the Idris dedicated to manufacturing.. Which is a completely legitimate idea, considering how the Vanduul work. Not to mention, we have no idea what goes in in deep Vanduul space. There could be whole "warbands" dedicated to manufacturing ships and luxuries.

Case and point, aliens ships are amazing.


Dec 4, 2014
RSI Handle
Actually, imma post that into the RSI forums, since it seems thought out enough that I could do so.


Vice Admiral
Dec 2, 2014
RSI Handle

I'd take a look at the size comparison chart, theres a few ships about Scythe size in the Vanduul fleet.

I've spent too much reading all of the com links and information on Vanduuls. One day I'm gonna fly in there and come back with a "trophy" so I'd like to know my enemy. Anyway, back to your theory,

All Vanduul travel in these separate groups, they can even attack each other! So I seriously doubt they work together, would be a conflict with Vanduul culture. But you do raise a valid point, how do they manufacture all of this? Few possibilities in my mind.

1) Theres still a theory that Vanduul have a home planet, where breeding occurs and Vanduul get recruited. I'm guessing if this was true, manufacturing could be done here.
2) Temporary bases. When Vanduul go to a planet and harvest it for everything it has, they might take this as an opportunity to build/upgrade the fleet.
3) Have you seen the size of Vanduul ships? Look at that size comparison chart. There harvesting machines transport ships are almost the size of a Bengal. Thats freaking nuts! They might have room in some of these larger ships to manufacture.
4) 3rd party is supporting the Vanduul. Could be the Banu, Drake, who knows?!

In case you haven't noticed, it's all speculation at this point. You should talk to @NKato

Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
I like the Karthu'Al, but I'll never be a great combat or racing pilot. Slow and steady wins the economic race, so my cargo hauling and fuel skimming ships will keep me busy.

And then there'e the Reclaimer I want to get when I can buy with UEC. Damn, that ship is big.
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