So you are saying we should send everyone a present with a tag that says "Do not pull"
Bambooza Space Marshal Donor Sep 25, 2017 5,805 18,379 2,875 RSI Handle MrBambooza Jun 13, 2018 #41 So you are saying we should send everyone a present with a tag that says "Do not pull" Reactions: Sraika and Blind Owl
Blind Owl Hallucinogenic Owl Donor Nov 27, 2015 20,943 74,102 3,160 RSI Handle BlindOwl Jun 13, 2018 #42 Bambooza said: So you are saying we should send everyone a present with a tag that says "Do not pull" Click to expand... Basically Reactions: Sraika and Bambooza
Bambooza said: So you are saying we should send everyone a present with a tag that says "Do not pull" Click to expand... Basically
dwbrn2 Captain May 12, 2018 27 58 200 RSI Handle commanderconnor Jun 18, 2018 #43 Welcome Lone-Star stater!!! .....deep in the heart of Tennessee!!!! We got 3 stars on our flag !