Am I setting myself up for failure on multi-crew? Not a bash post!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Where is the rogue cargo ship.
The closest thing to the Firefly class is the Hull series, but the SC universe will be much more violent and Serenity could not survive here with no guns. If Mal were choosing a ship here I think he would pick a Carrack set up for transport, or a Banu Merchantman, but in either case he would put some serious surprise in the package. Alternatively, if you use the flight deck for cargo at times, the Polaris would be a great choice. Looks like it was styled after the old Traveller FarTrader. The Polaris was born for adventure.

And just to note, any self-respecting band of pirates will eagerly attack anything short of a Polaris. A Carrack is easy prey. A Polaris is not.


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I love this conversation. Everyone's brought up crazy good points! I'm glad everyone feels as strongly as I do. I do love my Starfarer, and I konw the Carrack and many other ships are no where near done. I think eventually a ship will just blow me away when we get to start doing more. As for now, lack of content (but has so much more than many other games) makes it hard to decide which ship it will be! As far as I'm concerned regardless, the money I have put towards this game has already been matched by hours played! The game is only in alpha! And already I have fun multi crew stories! Time will tell! But we will experience everything together!


Dec 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I agree with many others that internally, the starfarer is the best fit. The whole cargo bay and ramp. Multiple decks with ladders and gantryways, proper crew quarters.

but in spirit, I think the caterpillar. If suitably fast and tough at the end of alpha, best captured the spirit of the simple, durable and utilitarian vessel operating on the harsh frontiers. Not much of a fighter but can take a hit and is fast enough to get outta trouble.

though the farer will offer more survivability and thus more time to run between decks putting out fires and repairing, its so sluggish and its turrets so ineffective that Id take the cat personally.

however, to answer the other part of your question.. Yes, you are setting yourself ip for disappointment Im afraid. We all want that TV/movie experience, to live that life.. But those characters live that life because the show demands it. They dont have decoupled super hornets gliding by as rotating turrets that you cant fire back upon effectively because it would ruin the story.

its a game, we will get ganked, our immersion will be broken by other players, we will suffer with being exploded before the get out of chair to put out fire animation completes.. Just a fact of modern gaming and partly why Id like to see a strictly managed RP server that offers that slower, richer experience for those that want it.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, looking size wise, the Serenity is 82m long, 128,000kg so really is is in between a Caterpillar&Connie( (~60m) and the Starfarer (~100m). Carrack and BMM are too big both are 120 and probably going to get larger when they get built., Freelancer way too small.

It's really hard work picking ships. I keep chopping and changing with store credit. What I am planning to end up with when 3.2/3.3 drops is Carrack, Banu Merchant Man, Hull B, Freelancer Mis. Maybe a fighter but maybe not. Ideally a vanguard but that's pushing the budget a bit!
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