Memorial day weekend at the outlet mall, 30C temps (go convert that yourself!) and shopping because, AMERICA!

So it's like 85-86 degrees F?Memorial day at the outlet mall, 30C temps (go convert that yourself!) and shopping because, AMERICA!
Never worked out a day in my life. Thats all from pushing around 50lbs worth of kids.Need guns like that for a double pram.
Think you get more exercise leading this Org. Its a hard job and Montoya is up to the challenge.Never worked out a day in my life. Thats all from pushing around 50lbs worth of kids.
I have encouraged all those TESTies they might consider having children, to get it done before this game launches! I don't want a poopy diaper pulling you guys away from critical missions!Don't go saying that Montoya, Youll have Testies going and having kids left right and center to size up the guns.
There is more to babies then big arms and pram pushing!
Why is this in the form of a question?Montoya the sexiest daddy ever?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯Why is this in the form of a question?
Ha. Hahaha.
It is very scary, I can see why Chicago gets so much attention when it comes to gun talk and I wont get into a political argument but this city has been an example for both sides and quite honestly both sides are usually completely wrong.My grandparents live just outside of Chicago.. that is quite disturbing...