An APP I am thinking about doing


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Honestly, data running prices will never be profitable. If you have a big enough org, it’s all to easy to ask for price checks for certain products to get real time updates at known markets. The real value will be in locations of minerals, other resources etc. stuff that can’t be /waypointed outside of spectrum.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Honestly, data running prices will never be profitable. If you have a big enough org, it’s all to easy to ask for price checks for certain products to get real time updates at known markets. The real value will be in locations of minerals, other resources etc. stuff that can’t be /waypointed outside of spectrum.
But where are we going to find all the warm bodies to supply and control the flow of market data?


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
But where are we going to find all the warm bodies to supply and control the flow of market data?
Market data will be got from the API is possible.
Warm bodies... the plan is that an org that is going to use the system ask their members to join in the APP and start using it.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
The question was slightly tongue-in-cheek.

Is there an ETA of when the API will be available? My assumption is that once Spectrum can interface with the game the public API will follow shortly after.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Just because it's still kind of alive - This is not the first time an API has been suggested here, I think we've discussed it few times in the last year alone. I don't say this to discourage you, but to say there are actually quite a few API and Web developers in TEST. What they lack right now is any sort of concrete response from CIG about what will be available. So. I say, go ahead and develop a prototype if you want. There is no CIG API at the moment, so improvise. There is also no TEST Squadron API, so innovate. For what it's worth, the idea of a HELP api is good but, someone being attacked is likely to be long dead if help has to come from any distance away. That doesn't mean it's a bad idea, just that it might be a clean-up crew that arrives if there are no others in the immediate area... That might be desirable. We also have a very large number of TESTies who are into piracy. It might be nice if they could check to see if their intended victim is a fellow TESTie. Some of them won't care to be sure - but to others that might be important. Also, if CIG doesn't develop everything in an API, that's fine. You can often find other ways to find required information, even if you have to resort to collecting data yourself. Here, the problem is CIG is kind of wishy washy on the whole API idea. It's on the To Do list, but I think this whole part of what players want took ah... some of CIG's leadership a little by surprise.

Don't let any of this keep you from doing anything, it's all opportunity. Also FWIW, I'm a software architect, but I can't commit to giving any help unless the computer software industry implodes in the next few months. That does not appear to be going to happen.
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Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Just because it's still kind of alive - This is not the first time an API has been suggested here, I think we've discussed it few times in the last year alone. I don't say this to discourage you, but to say there are actually quite a few API and Web developers in TEST. What they lack right now is any sort of concrete response from CIG about what will be available. So. I say, go ahead and develop a prototype if you want. There is no CIG API at the moment, so improvise. There is also no TEST Squadron API, so innovate. For what it's worth, the idea of a HELP api is good but, someone being attacked is likely to be long dead if help has to come from any distance away. That doesn't mean it's a bad idea, just that it might be a clean-up crew that arrives if there are no others in the immediate area... That might be desirable. We also have a very large number of TESTies who are into piracy. It might be nice if they could check to see if their intended victim is a fellow TESTie. Some of them won't care to be sure - but to others that might be important. Also, if CIG doesn't develop everything in an API, that's fine. You can often find other ways to find required information, even if you have to resort to collecting data yourself. Here, the problem is CIG is kind of wishy washy on the whole API idea. It's on the To Do list, but I think this whole part of what players want took ah... some of CIG's leadership a little by surprise.

Don't let any of this keep you from doing anything, it's all opportunity. Also FWIW, I'm a software architect, but I can't commit to giving any help unless the computer software industry implodes in the next few months. That does not appear to be going to happen.
Oh, I am a senior and versatile developer. But yeah, my problem is not courage or that, it is the same as you, the time. Having help would be nice.

When I thing shady I think I could just monitorize the game net packets to gather the info I need, lol. By example, gather data about scanned players and NPCs, orgs movements, etc. lol
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