An idea to bring flavor to flying in the verse.

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  • It has promise, but needs improvement

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  • Did someone mention Star Trek?! Beam me up, Scotty!

    Votes: 4 22.2%

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Horus Taber

Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
So, I have this idea that involves a sort of ranking system (not attributed to the ranks for the org itself). These ranks are purely to introduce a sense of flavor and notoriety to one's character in the verse. I have read in the forums that Test has a decent sized org fleet set up for use by all org members (please correct me if I'm wrong). What my thought would entail is a sort of "military-esque" system, similar to that of Star Trek's Federation, where higher ranks allot for being able to command larger ships. For example, org member A would start off as an ensign, being commanded by a higher-up in a Carrack. As he performs well in missions on said ship for the org, he would gain commendations or points that will accrue every time he does something in this system. As more points are gained, org member A goes from ensign to Captain and is now able to command his own Carrack for the test fleet, and so on and so forth. This is a very rudimentary example, but it is an idea of what I am shooting for. I'm including a poll here to gauge the interest for such a system, as well as possible feedback in support of it.
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May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
So, I have this idea that involves a sort of ranking system (not attributed to the ranks for the org itself). These ranks are purely to introduce a sense of flavor and notoriety to one's character in the verse. I have read in the forums that Test has a decent sized org fleet set up for use by all org members (please correct me if I'm wrong). What my thought would entail is a sort of "military-esque" system, similar to that of Star Trek's Federation, where higher ranks allot for being able to command larger ships. For example, org member A would start off as an ensign, being commanded by a higher-up in a Carrack. As he performs well in missions on said ship for the org, he would gain commendations or points that will accrue every time he does something in this system. As more points are gained, org member A goes from ensign to Captain and is now able to command his own Carrack for the test fleet, and so on and so forth. This is a very rudimentary example, but it is an idea of what I am shooting for. I'm including a poll here to gauge the interest for such a system, as well as possible feedback in support of it.
While this works in some more serious clans, I cannot personally see it working in TEST (this is based off my experience playing with reddit members from a few other games). We're too loosey goosey and funky drunkey. Not to say that we aren't serious, as we'll have groups within the clan that will have heavy organization. There's also a big role-playing element that stays in character when they play the whole time.

Anyhow, I believe it'll likely end up being officers that are in charge of very high level stuff (our founder, XO, and a few other general positions), some moderators, and then everyone else is up to do whatever they want.

If you want to create a 'hardcore' attack wing, then you can be in charge of it, decide it has a ranking system, get members within TEST to join it (you would still be part of TEST and adhere to all of our rules in general), and do what you wish.

That make sense?


Pro Chat Necromancer
Jun 8, 2014
RSI Handle
So, I have this idea that involves a sort of ranking system (not attributed to the ranks for the org itself). These ranks are purely to introduce a sense of flavor and notoriety to one's character in the verse. I have read in the forums that Test has a decent sized org fleet set up for use by all org members (please correct me if I'm wrong). What my thought would entail is a sort of "military-esque" system, similar to that of Star Trek's Federation, where higher ranks allot for being able to command larger ships. For example, org member A would start off as an ensign, being commanded by a higher-up in a Carrack. As he performs well in missions on said ship for the org, he would gain commendations or points that will accrue every time he does something in this system. As more points are gained, org member A goes from ensign to Captain and is now able to command his own Carrack for the test fleet, and so on and so forth. This is a very rudimentary example, but it is an idea of what I am shooting for. I'm including a poll here to gauge the interest for such a system, as well as possible feedback in support of it.
I think we would allow people to fly different ships based less on some arbitrary experience thing and more on our personal experience with them. Are they trust worthy? Are they a main member? Do we know them? etc.
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Vice Admiral
Nov 4, 2014
RSI Handle

New guy! Front and center!

Ok. we are not leaving until you down this entire 5th of Jack and get no less than 3 lap dances! I'm buyin!
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
leadership in Test is about providing opportunities for members, not restrictions, amirite fellas?

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
There are only 3 ranks in TEST as of this time. They are as follows:

Dear/Fearless Leader: Montoya. Leader of the Squadron.
Great Supreme Omnipotent Leader: Mini-Montoya, who none of us have ever seen but has power over Montoya.
Wife: Montoya's Wife, aka the real power behind TEST Squardon and has power over Mini-Montoya and Montoya himself. For 2 good reasons not to be explained here.

If you are not any of those 3 then you have no rank. Informal rank is determined be seniority and by plenty of bad posting.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I think it's a great idea, but I'm not sure it will work with how we run things around here.
Test is less an organized group and more a loose conferderation of pilots; as such, outside of ops or events we really don't exert a lot of sway over one another. I'm all for giving out flair ranks, though. Keep it simple, don't tie it to priviledges, and you're golden. Maybe tie it to a less formal system, like match it to your forum flair or have promotions voted on by a council of same-ranked peers.

Macabre Poetry

Official Signature Generator Bot
Apr 24, 2014
RSI Handle
I think it's a great idea, but I'm not sure it will work with how we run things around here.
Test is less an organized group and more a loose conferderation of pilots; as such, outside of ops or events we really don't exert a lot of sway over one another. I'm all for giving out flair ranks, though. Keep it simple, don't tie it to priviledges, and you're golden. Maybe tie it to a less formal system, like match it to your forum flair or have promotions voted on by a council of same-ranked peers.
@Vastair heads up an RP division and I'm sure will incorporate that

Horus Taber

Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
Thank you all for your suggestions and concerns. Let me try to clarify a few more things. 1) I was wanting this idea to provide a flavor to the game and not a hierarchy system. I realize the whole "commanding ship" thing doesn't help this thought well. I like the idea of it being a "flair rank" as stated by @UltraGuido, where it would be more of like getting a title in a game for achieving some goal or what not. 2) This could/may be more of an RP thing rather than something implemented as a generic org system and I could easily see it giving lots of RP content to that side of TEST.

On a side note, regarding my take on ships being commanded, I believe I am not the only one to realize that ships like the Carrack up through the largest carriers (Idris, Javelin, Bengal...). For this I thought a system that could maybe track the activeness and quality/merit of a persons work would show that a person may be ready for a "command" that would involve 5 or more additional players. This is purely opinion and just wanted to voice my thought.

I am always open to constructive criticism and look forward to learning more about everyone and what TEST is. Please feel free to continue commenting and voicing your ideas!

Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
There's also the problem of "Too drunk to fish", which is also "too drunk to fly" and "too common to individually track". Basically if we had a hierarchy it's entirely possible that we couldn't get a fleet into space due to lack of ability to even mnage to point the ship at the sun and fly into it. By having the tesseractoidal, infinitely variable, on-the-fly leadership style we use there are always sufficient people available to lead us in mighty, focused conquest of...oh, shiny! *wanders off*


Nov 22, 2014
RSI Handle
The idea has merit, but as some have said i'm not sure it will work for the org as a whole. I think that this would indeed work for the RP sections of TEST, but I also think that a non RP group that is a little more organised would't be a bad idea. (maybe even just a place for the RP-guys to play without having to RP) in my mind it would be a voluntary subset that would best be described as the designated drivers to the party that is test.
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Horus Taber

Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
The idea has merit, but as some have said i'm not sure it will work for the org as a whole. I think that this would indeed work for the RP sections of TEST, but I also think that a non RP group that is a little more organised would't be a bad idea. (maybe even just a place for the RP-guys to play without having to RP) in my mind it would be a voluntary subset that would best be described as the designated drivers to the party that is test.
Ok I like this, I was hoping I came off like this in the first place but I guess I didn't. I didn't want to come off as wanting to change the structure of TEST, I just wanted it to be something fun on the side for those who want that sort of Star Trek/Firefly kind of immersive experience. The "ranks" and such would purely be flair and just add flavor to things. I could start hammering things out in more detail if I knew some people would be interested in possibly signing up for such a thing. As long as I know even a couple people would be interested I will definitely make something fun and interesting. Maybe it can be TEST's own side Star Trek-Federation like-semi-organized group of TEST citizens who can RP or not while enjoying a sort of immersive experience while helping TEST out at the same time.


May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Ok I like this, I was hoping I came off like this in the first place but I guess I didn't. I didn't want to come off as wanting to change the structure of TEST, I just wanted it to be something fun on the side for those who want that sort of Star Trek/Firefly kind of immersive experience. The "ranks" and such would purely be flair and just add flavor to things. I could start hammering things out in more detail if I knew some people would be interested in possibly signing up for such a thing. As long as I know even a couple people would be interested I will definitely make something fun and interesting. Maybe it can be TEST's own side Star Trek-Federation like-semi-organized group of TEST citizens who can RP or not while enjoying a sort of immersive experience while helping TEST out at the same time.
You're good man, no offense to anyone here (and no walking on eggshells or chips on shoulders)... this is an open forum. As I mentioned as well as a few others, your idea has absolute merit. There was a post recently getting lots of folks together for the RP (role-playing) group which this would work fantastically for. Shoot them a message and get involved!

Horus Taber

Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
You're good man, no offense to anyone here (and no walking on eggshells or chips on shoulders)... this is an open forum. As I mentioned as well as a few others, your idea has absolute merit. There was a post recently getting lots of folks together for the RP (role-playing) group which this would work fantastically for. Shoot them a message and get involved!
Thanks man, and I already have. Working on my character bio to post on the officer RP post they have for introduction purposes. I'll try to get in touch and present this idea. Like I said though, I would like it to be open to anyone, RP or not, cause I know there may be those out there who may want an immersive game play but doesn't feel like or are not quite sure how to go about RP'ing. But ya, everyone thanks again for the feedback, it really helps hearing your opinions.
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Nov 22, 2014
RSI Handle
I think if you wanted to hammer things out you could start with this having an RP focus and then once you have a better idea of how it works move it to an open thing.
side note i think that Designated Driver would be a good "rank" for someone who expresses interest in something more organised. Not trying to encroach on your idea, just popped into my head when I thought "TEST rank"

Horus Taber

Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
I think if you wanted to hammer things out you could start with this having an RP focus and then once you have a better idea of how it works move it to an open thing.
side note i think that Designated Driver would be a good "rank" for someone who expresses interest in something more organised. Not trying to encroach on your idea, just popped into my head when I thought "TEST rank"
Lol, I love it! If you don't mind I'll utilize that in what I make and I'll make sure to stay with the TEST theme with the flavor ranks.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Interesting idea. However, there would be the problem of finding enough trustworthy people to assign these points in the first place. Shady's idea is probably closer to how TEST will end up in the PU, with individual players organizing their own squads/groups and a core TEST command/mod group watching over everything.

And if bad posting determines leadership, why am I not 4th in command?

Horus Taber

Dec 5, 2014
RSI Handle
Interesting idea. However, there would be the problem of finding enough trustworthy people to assign these points in the first place. Shady's idea is probably closer to how TEST will end up in the PU, with individual players organizing their own squads/groups and a core TEST command/mod group watching over everything.

And if bad posting determines leadership, why am I not 4th in command?
Very true! After looking at all of the responses thus far, I plan on taking this to Vastair and seeing how the RP community would think of this idea. Already shot him a message so just waiting for a response. But ya, this whole idea would end up being sort of a voluntary thing that people could get into for a bit more immersion factor if they want. Ever since finding out about Star Citizen the first thing that came to my mind and that I have been sort of obsessing over is playing out my own "Star Trek" adventure with crew and all so I'm glad people are seeing this as at least an interesting idea so I may continue with it's development.
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