Anthem 2.0


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I feel bad for the people who get stuck on this project, its literally like trying to patch the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. The big problem here is how to get the masses who quit to come back, first of all is this going to be free? I seriously doubt this will be 100% free, I see at least a 20-30$ price tag and calling this an expansion or DLC at some point, I don't see how they can dump all these resources into this game without a price tag.

Secondly, why should we give them a 2nd chance? They literally lied to the consumers, the E3 trailer and gameplay video was a lie, the graphics were dumbed down, the gameplay was a shell of what it was supposed to be, what has earned them the right to even ask the consumers to come back? Sure if its free many people will give it a shot, but again I see some sort of cost being added at some point, maybe if they can hype it up enough they will get the courage to try and sell it a 2nd time lmao, after all we were dumb enough to pre-order this game among other failures like Fallout76, we the consumer are a pretty stupid bunch of people when it comes to waiting for game reviews, ME INCLUDED! :P


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I feel bad for the people who get stuck on this project, its literally like trying to patch the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. The big problem here is how to get the masses who quit to come back, first of all is this going to be free? I seriously doubt this will be 100% free, I see at least a 20-30$ price tag and calling this an expansion or DLC at some point, I don't see how they can dump all these resources into this game without a price tag.

Secondly, why should we give them a 2nd chance? They literally lied to the consumers, the E3 trailer and gameplay video was a lie, the graphics were dumbed down, the gameplay was a shell of what it was supposed to be, what has earned them the right to even ask the consumers to come back? Sure if its free many people will give it a shot, but again I see some sort of cost being added at some point, maybe if they can hype it up enough they will get the courage to try and sell it a 2nd time lmao, after all we were dumb enough to pre-order this game among other failures like Fallout76, we the consumer are a pretty stupid bunch of people when it comes to waiting for game reviews, ME INCLUDED! :P

I have to admit the E3 graphic lies are terrible and I wish it would stop.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I feel bad for the people who get stuck on this project, its literally like trying to patch the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.
I strongly disagree.

The core mechanics of the game are solid. Level design, flight, shooting, navigation... all great!

The biggest complaints from the players that stuck with it were loot drops and endgame grind, that is not very hard to fix.

The biggest issues at launch were horribly long loading screens, too short of a campaign, the story line fell short compared to other Bioware titles, and the limited end game, restricting you to run 3 bosses over and over with little chance to get good loot.

The game can be saved, but as you said, the problem is getting the players back.

I will obviously jump in as soon as it comes out because Im really interested to see what they can do with it, but I do not think I will see my friends list with 30-40 people playing Anthem like I did at launch. That will be another battle that their marketing team, assuming the game is good, will have to fight.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
You can only release a game once... or hmm, they did pull it off with that final fantasy mmo, so there is a slight chance that Beware can actually make this better too. But looking at "reinvented" games like No Mans Lie, I don't think this will be worth anyone's time.
I mean that is the game where they did tons of things to make it less junk than the original release, but they still couldn't add half of the actual interesting and worthwhile features that were promised in the blurb on the storefront, because they are constrained by the original engine. Unless they fully rebuild it, they can't change around that much.
More importantly, just like with NMS, the players already left the game. Who even cares at this point? Apparently even Beware doesn't as the Christmas lights are still up...
The thing with FF14 is the rerelease was really really good. It's also a Final Fantasy game, which already has a massive cult following. That was also one of their very very few mistakes they have made. This is EA we are talking about, so the credibility is non-exsitent. Also Square Enix isnt known for flat out lying about their games, while EA lies straight up, apologizes, people believe them, then they lie again and rinse and repeat because honestly gamers are gullible and over forgiving without proving the point.

Do I want Anthem to succeed? Of course, peoples lives are behind these games and they have families passions and so forth, but they also choose to stick with a company for lying and screwing people over. Don't have much sympathy there.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I don’t feel personally affronted by Anthem, it was a mediocre experience when viewed as a whole but had some fun bits.

The larger issue is the hate-train that now comes bundled with the name. I imagine there has to be some rebranding done - at the very least call it Anthem 2 - so that the Google results don’t doom the rework before it’s had a chance to stand up and build a foundation.

If the relaunch is done well it’s going to be a master class in identity management


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
While I hope that the developers will fix the issues that the initial version caused so that the game play would now honor all of the initial things that drew people into wanting to play it from the E3 trailer & demo, I think that this will just be too little too late unless, as stated before, they provide the update free for those that already purchased the game. Either way, I'll hold my decisions on if I'll purchase & play it until after the updates have been released as well as actual people have played it to provide insight on how it is. I don't trust the game journo trash anymore, they've been tainted for far too long.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I don’t feel personally affronted by Anthem, it was a mediocre experience when viewed as a whole but had some fun bits.

The larger issue is the hate-train that now comes bundled with the name. I imagine there has to be some rebranding done - at the very least call it Anthem 2 - so that the Google results don’t doom the rework before it’s had a chance to stand up and build a foundation.

If the relaunch is done well it’s going to be a master class in identity management
Or if it's the same game but remastered, perhaps call it Anthem Reborn (Remastered)?
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
They literally lied to the consumers, the E3 trailer and gameplay video was a lie, the graphics were dumbed down, the gameplay was a shell of what it was supposed to be
I hear you, but I don't walk into McDonalds and freak out that my burger does not look like the picture.

I fully expect all marketing material to look better than actual game play in most cases. Not with Cyberpunk or Star Citizen though.

No way in hell did I expect the Anthem promo to look like the actual game since it was a console release too.

The game still looks great, but the storm effects and lush jungle from the promotional video were in no way ever going to make it into current gen consoles.

Maybe Im just a giant skeptic. I never believe anything until I have it in front of me.

Same goes for Star Citizen. They have promised a lot, I want to believe it, but I will only truly believe it when its on my screen and I am playing it.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I hear you, but I don't walk into McDonalds and freak out that my burger does not look like the picture.

I fully expect all marketing material to look better than actual game play in most cases. Not with Cyberpunk or Star Citizen though.

No way in hell did I expect the Anthem promo to look like the actual game since it was a console release too.

The game still looks great, but the storm effects and lush jungle from the promotional video were in no way ever going to make it into current gen consoles.

Maybe Im just a giant skeptic. I never believe anything until I have it in front of me.

Same goes for Star Citizen. They have promised a lot, I want to believe it, but I will only truly believe it when its on my screen and I am playing it.

No way bro, this was not the only game to show E3 footage and "In game footage" and then gut the final product, for you to let them off the hook and compare it to a cheeseburger at McDonalds is just insane.

First of all, outside of actually being involved in the development there is no way for a consumer to know what will be in the final product, especially from end game perspective, many consumers watch trailers, demo's etc... and then base their opinions and decisions on that, so if I watch an E3 trailer and then buy the game when a pre-order comes out and the product is not what they claimed in their advertisement that is pure 100% deception. Now if you want to compare fast food lets do it right, this is the equivalent of ordering a Bigmac and not getting the special sauce on the Bigmac or leaving the pickles off, there was things in Anthem that were in the trailers and demo's that never made it to retail, if it had JUST been a graphics downgrade you might be right and I may have agreed, but no way bro there was content, gameplay and mechanics that were not in the final product that were in the trailers and demos early on.

Sorry, I have to completely disagree on this one, love you Montoya but your giving them a pass, all of us have been making excuses for gaming companies passing junk off to the consumers that we pay premium prices for and are deliberately lied to. Show me one disclaimer that said the final product had changed from the early demo's or footage, that stuff had been left out or removed and that the game quality had be downgraded? You can't find it, because NO company would ever admit it, besides we all pre-ordered that junk and then got a free beta with limited access we had no clue how bad that game was till about 2 weeks in and most us quit lmao.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I strongly disagree.

The core mechanics of the game are solid. Level design, flight, shooting, navigation... all great!

The biggest complaints from the players that stuck with it were loot drops and endgame grind, that is not very hard to fix.

The biggest issues at launch were horribly long loading screens, too short of a campaign, the story line fell short compared to other Bioware titles, and the limited end game, restricting you to run 3 bosses over and over with little chance to get good loot.

The game can be saved, but as you said, the problem is getting the players back.

I will obviously jump in as soon as it comes out because Im really interested to see what they can do with it, but I do not think I will see my friends list with 30-40 people playing Anthem like I did at launch. That will be another battle that their marketing team, assuming the game is good, will have to fight.

You are right, the people who actually stuck around for end game did have this to say, I even said it early on, flying around, the shooting was good, it does have a good solid foundation, but that is not what we paid for, you are saying we paid for half or even three quarters of a game and that's ok? Again it sounds like you are giving them a pass because you kind of liked it .... but.... ya the entire end game was shit lmao, not just the gear, the raids were junk, they weren't even well thought out, they added a new raid and it wasn't even new it was just redone lol. Do you honestly think gear alone sent everyone packing? No way, it was the shit repetitive missions, it was the shit combat system, that yes functioned well it was just dry and boring, the skills were boring, the game got boring 2 weeks out and people were dropping like flies, I think I pushed myself to 4 weeks but that was all I could stand without falling asleep at the wheel lol.

I agree, we all agree, this game had HUGE potential, I pre-ordered it, tons of people pre-ordered it, why do you think they sold so many copies? And why do you think they lost 80%-90% of entire community months after release? I don't have to make an argument here brother, the community did it for me lmao, this is and will go down in history as one of THE worst released games.

Again sorry for the rant but I get tired of people making excuses for AAA gaming companies trying to pass trash off for AAA prices, if this had been 30$ I would have said, sure I got my 4 weeks of money out of it, but people paid 60$ for the standard edition and 70$ for the Legion of Dawn edition without tax, still today they are asking these prices, that to me is insane, just insane.

Who out there thought this was a 60$ or 70$ game? Who out there thought this was a AAA product? Not many, that is why the community bailed and their trying to re-invent the game over a year later. They should have done it right the first time when I paid 70$ for the product.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I agree with all your points. We are arguing the same thing, the only difference is how badly scarred we are from the experience.

I paid the $70 for Anthem, I expected a Destiny 2 killer, I did not get it.

I got 20hrs of a mediocre campaign, and another 150hrs of running strongholds with other TEST members which was fun. Then I got bored for all the reasons you listed and stopped playing.

Compared to Farcry 5. I paid $60, finished the game in 35hrs and never went back.

A lot of people are not going to like this, but dont give a shit. With all its flaws and problems, I got more bang for my entertainment buck in Anthem.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I agree with all your points. We are arguing the same thing, the only difference is how badly scarred we are from the experience.

I paid the $70 for Anthem, I expected a Destiny 2 killer, I did not get it.

I got 20hrs of a mediocre campaign, and another 150hrs of running strongholds with other TEST members which was fun. Then I got bored for all the reasons you listed and stopped playing.

Compared to Farcry 5. I paid $60, finished the game in 35hrs and never went back.

A lot of people are not going to like this, but dont give a shit. With all its flaws and problems, I got more bang for my entertainment buck in Anthem.

I did like the mechanics and the graphics were not bad at all, I think tons of people liked the idea and basic gameplay was there, I have said it a dozen times it does have a solid foundation, but ultimately that is not what people pay for, that is an unfinished product, the meat of that game was spam at best when you expect from a AAA company the way they marketed it and the cost to the consumer it should have been a effing prime rib.

If there is no fee to come back and try Anthem 2.0 I will most definitely give it another shot, if there is a fee attached anywhere even microtransactions I won't even fart in its direction, they got all the money their going to get out of me and there are plenty of games on the horizon to keep me busy, Cyberpunk, Marvel Avengers, AC Valhalla, I just wrapped up Ghost of Tsushima which was a blast I couldn't put it down for 6 days and had it 87% complete, highly recommend it to everyone.

And ya, I was not a Farcry 5 fan, sure I beat the story but man that game was boring at the end, found it really hard to keep going, never got the expansion.

As always brother I know I rant on some topics but its all in good debate! :P


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I hear you, but I don't walk into McDonalds and freak out that my burger does not look like the picture.

I fully expect all marketing material to look better than actual game play in most cases. Not with Cyberpunk or Star Citizen though.

No way in hell did I expect the Anthem promo to look like the actual game since it was a console release too.

The game still looks great, but the storm effects and lush jungle from the promotional video were in no way ever going to make it into current gen consoles.

Maybe Im just a giant skeptic. I never believe anything until I have it in front of me.

Same goes for Star Citizen. They have promised a lot, I want to believe it, but I will only truly believe it when its on my screen and I am playing it.
That is the thing, its a market wide marketing tactic that is widely known. It isnt supposed to be this way in the gaming industry. You accept bullshit you get bullshit, dont accept bullshit you wont get bullshit. That war is still going on with gaming, already lost in the food market. Don't make excuses for the developers/publishers on their behalf and let it be okay. Its how you get bullshit. The E3 demo stated it was in-game footage.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
As always brother I know I rant on some topics but its all in good debate! :P
I love a good debate!

You are all wrong! I am right!

Its how you get bullshit. The E3 demo stated it was in-game footage.
"Content shown is realtime in-engine" is roughly what they say... what is not said is dual 2080ti, 64gb ram on latest CPU running on a custom level optimized for the demo.

I think this is to be expected from every game we see.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I love a good debate!

You are all wrong! I am right!

"Content shown is realtime in-engine" is roughly what they say... what is not said is dual 2080ti, 64gb ram on latest CPU running on a custom level optimized for the demo.

I think this is to be expected from every game we see.
I think you are right and its a sad thing. What's worse is that even if we have the same system we still can't get the same graphical fidelity as it was only created for the demo.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I love a good debate!

You are all wrong! I am right!

"Content shown is realtime in-engine" is roughly what they say... what is not said is dual 2080ti, 64gb ram on latest CPU running on a custom level optimized for the demo.

I think this is to be expected from every game we see.
Did you just change my qoute to make it say something else? Dick move man dick move D: dont be a boolie. If you watch the E3 trailer, it was showing huds, objectives, having conversations with people. It was even gameplay footage, you dont show that shit and think, man this isnt gameplay.

You gotta stop defending bullshit. I think you might be getting old >.> "in-game running in real-time" I love going back and forth with ya, but I dont think this one is the one you want to defend. They straight up purely lied 100%. I believe the devs even came back later and said yea, that shit was 100% fake we had nothing at that point. I mean NMS lied about what they had, Anthem showed a lie and claimed it was what they had.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Did you just change my qoute to make it say something else?

No, I was not quoting you. I was paraphrasing what we usually see in small text in those demos.

We are both fucking the arguing the same point and Im agreeing with you... and Im getting old? :D

Me saying that I expect that to occur is not the same as me defending it and saying that its great.

The recent Halo Infinite demo had a similar blurb in the text on their youtube channel. The game was not actually running on a Xbox Series X, it was running a PC :D
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