Anthem closed alpha test Dec 8th


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I've just heard that Blizz is teaming up with Twitch for their Overwatch E-sports streams so that only those can comment in the chat, who have linked their account with their Twitch account.
This is done to moderate the chat in some new ways and "create a more safe and friendly environment". (Ya know, that's what Stalin used to say when he sent entire villages worth of ppl to the gulags... But back to the topic)
What the consequences will be is unclear.
It's only a conspiracy theory, although a very plausible one, that those who commit wrong-think on the stream will be Banned on as well, and some ppl think this might go as far as loosing access to your game library.
I think this last part is going a bit too far, in a civilized world it's supposed to be illegal for a company to take back something from you that you bought from them and already own, but with software it's always been a bullshit argument that you don't actually own it, only the right to use it, blah blah... so 2018 has been such a strange year in this respect, that I wouldn't be surprised that they would actually go there. After the fail of WoW BfA, the Diablo Debacle and killing off HotS, they might as well go all out and sink the boat in one go...

Original post:
I'm just gonna grab Origin Premiere and play it when it comes out. I'll be there in my trusty Colossus, ready to spread the word of Montoya across the lands!

And @Lorddarthvik , what pushes is Blizzard doing with Overwatch now? I'm a relatively new player so I've got no idea, I'm just a level 85 boi who derps around in Quick Play and does Competitive with friends (because going at it solo is too much of a gamble). I've gotten into e-sport titles recently - Overwatch and Rocket League as of yesterday. Surprisingly, I'm enjoying them. E-sport games were a class of games I avoided like the plague for the longest time.
Blizz is doing the same to overwatch that it did to WoW pvp when they pushed arena combat towards Esports. Made everything way more bland and generic and feel the same in the name of "balance" .
Lots of ow characters played very different to the way they play now (mercy,roadhog...) with much more differentiating them than just the name of their abilities. On their own they were much more imbalanced, but with way slower time to kill and way more strategising with teammates, the whole game felt different and unique. I liked that overwatch, I don't enjoy it much now. Don't get me wrong, I still think it's a really fun game, but it had so much more character than it has now. Ofc the players didn't ask for most of the changes, everyone just wanted their most loved character to be OP, as is the case with all multi-player games. Instead, Blizz concentrated on what gets played the most and the least in the top 1% of their Esports teams, changed around things according to that, and ignored everything else for the sake of keeping it "balanced" .

Tldr.: the characters abilities have been changed and dumbed down to support a fast paced less thinking approach for the sake of a more enjoyable Esports game for the viewers, and making it much easier on the "sportsman" themselves, while the game slowly lost its unique feel.
It was a thinking man's game, now it's just another twitch shooter with fancy colors. A very good one at that though.
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Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
I am almost sure to get this game sooner or later. I am thinking if getting the limited edition or not, lol
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I am a bit confused as to what the actual early access date is, there are several dates floating around I have seen as early as Jan 22nd and late as Feb 22nd, I pre purchased Anthem and also have Origin account so when do I get to play? lol


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
So i have this preordered on PS4, and i also have origin access.

Which one am i likely to find some like minded exceptional individuals to shoot people in the face with?
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