Anyone want to start a mobile hospital with an Endeavor?

Would you be interested in serving on an Endeavor-based mobile hospital?

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Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
If you look at the concept of the collider module, you'll see attached what look like the same research labs.

Also there's:
The most visually unique Endeavor module, the distinct circular supercollider is actually only one small piece of a more elaborate overclocking facility. This large module includes a pair of ‘white room’ workbench labs ideal for tweaking and overclocking starship components.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If you look at the concept of the collider module, you'll see attached what look like the same research labs.

Also there's:
The most visually unique Endeavor module, the distinct circular supercollider is actually only one small piece of a more elaborate overclocking facility. This large module includes a pair of ‘white room’ workbench labs ideal for tweaking and overclocking starship components.
Truck yeah!! Awesome. Thanks a million Rolo. (I seem to be thanking you a lot today. I'm sorry. Haha)


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
My thing with the Endeavor as a mobile overclocking workshop is why be mobile? I want a collider module and white room workshops in my VFG hangar! :p

I need the Endeavor to supply me with my custom components for my Crucible, but the damn thing costs *more* than my flagship! And that's just the *base*!

Not sure I'll have any options there, but I'll hold off as long as possible.

Hmmm, to be clear, the Endeavor for deep space research or as a MASH (Mobile Astro-Surgical Hospital) unit makes sense, but as a speedshop, it leaves me scratching my head.

[Edit: Maybe if the Endeavor does research with the collider, producing "recipes" for the Orion refineries and "schematics" for the Crucible repair arms... That would make more sense, but to rely on a lab for tempered joints and superhard armor in production quantities? Not so much]

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The Collier is 2x2 and Gen Lab is 1x2 so they'll fit in the 3x2 together.
The General Research Lab to produce those components.
Hmmm, to be clear, the Endeavor for deep space research or as a MASH (Mobile Astro-Surgical Hospital) unit makes sense, but as a speedshop, it leaves me scratching my head.
I do believe this is exactly what @Grimbli intends to do.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think it silly to use what we have to advance.

I do think the Endeavor as a stationary science station is over-priced and a waste of resources.
We pay a premium for space travel on a hunk of machinery that doesn't need to move.
That premium is not just UEC, either... there's a premium on the insurance and maintenance, on the crewing and on the vulnerability, the security we'll need if we're at all successful.

I don't see an alternative, however, unless they offer lab/workshop annexes to our hangars. Or access to our own facilities orbit- or dirt-side.

There are other uses the Endeavor has that make it an attractive ship *in general* - specifically deep space research and mobile hospital. And o7 to the guys who are getting them now... like the Starfarer I think you are getting a hell of a deal.

But for materials research and overclocking, it doesn't make sense to require a mobile lab.
I just don't see it.

So, to start off, I'll trade with friends/org for the components I need, but eventually I'll have to secure my product pipeline and that means I'll need an Endeavor. A lot of investment to make tuned Holley 4-barrel Carbonizers for my RoloCorp Jump-drives ;-)

I can justify it in game as an "extra" for the Silent Running rig Nick will want, adding the Hope rig for org use and the skunkworks for Rolo.

But I sure wish they'd give us facilities in our hangar.
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