Are we alone in the universe? Ex-UFO program chief does not think we are.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I've watched it again, based just on the video and pilot chat, I go for drones /experimental aircraft. The first thing the aircrew suggest is that it is a drone.
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Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
"when really, it's a lot lot more than that."
Right at the beginning before the 2nd guy says ' there is a whole fleet of them'

He says something like 'its a drone bro--- but it is indistinct
The clip in the OP is not very good

Try this one


25 secs in. I think he says 'drone', the subtitles indicate a swear word, but that does not make sense to me in the context. I accept that my interpretation of that is up for debate
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
There was an article about this on gizmodo or similar a couple of days ago cos of the millions of dollars spent on nothing. I don't care about that part, but looking at the f18 video, my first reaction was, it's such a bad fake I could do it in about 5 minutes... The perfectly constant distance of the target from the reticle, unchanging angle of turning for soooo long is inconsistent with all the "pilot reports" of the object hanging in place or hopping from position to position. The strange "block" of something cut and pasted into the footage in the middle as the "object" in an otherwise higher quality video, it just all looks cheap to me. Btw, the f18 video shown in the OP's post above seems like edited to look more natura, the one I've seen on that site didn't even have the subtle shaking in it...

But yeah, I'd like our Glorious Leader to get into this, make comparisons to real footage of non-ufos being tracked and make educated guess of what it is in the vid, I'm too lazy to do it myself :D

Oh, btw, I'm not saying there's no one out there, I just think the footage stinks of cheap 90s UFO mania.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
my first reaction was, it's such a bad fake I could do it in about 5 minutes...
Yep, I'm right there with you. If you look at similar targeting pod footage, you will see things moving about just like you would expect with two separate objects. Like in this video HERE. The way it moves is just completely different. In this video the "object" only moves/rotates in relation to the camera, like it was tethered to the video feed and not acting like a completely different object would in real life. I'm doing a shit job of explaining, but I firmly believe it's a fake or hoax.

I honestly think 99% of the UFO videos are fake and the remaining 1% is likely just human stuff. Do I think we're alone though? I think it's naive and arrogant to think we are. At the very least, we know so pathetically little about our universe that it would be an act of blind faith to state that we're alone. The info from Kepler puts it at a possible 40 billion habitable planets in just our galaxy alone. So the logical answer is that the universe is teeming with life.

So with that said, I think either one of two things are true. Option one is that they are so far away that they can't reach us any more than we can go to them. Maybe FTL travel is actually impossible. They might even know we're here but don't want to spend 1,000 years of space travel just to say hi. Or, option number two is that they are intentionally leaving us alone. All of them. Maybe we are so technologically simple that we're like self aware ants in an ant farm. Maybe we're not as cool as we think we are and they don't give a shit about us. Maybe there's some intergalactic game preserve sign on our solar system that says "please do not feed the humans or otherwise interfere with their society. They are very impressionable." Who knows.

Either way, I doubt the government is hiding some secret information about ET. They're just shit bad at keeping any secrets, let alone anything that big. What I do think, is that air force pilots pilots can be just as.... imaginative as anyone else (I've met some that are barely functional). I think that ex-whateverposition can be after their own 5 minutes of fame just like the kardashians(since when does one chick taking a famous person's D turn an entire family into billionaires?).

I think that the reason why the government keeps everything top secret isn't because they are hiding proof of alien life. Its because they don't want everyone to know who's proverbial skirt they're looking up and more to the point, how many billions have been spent looking up there...
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