Arena Commander basic training


Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Hello fellow Testers

I just joined up as a new member of Star Citizen a few days ago and have spent the last 2 evenings trying to exit the hangar in the AC flight training.

I follow Gillie's instructions - watch him exit and when he tells me its my turn I hit the middle mouse button as instructed - I even hear a voice saying clearance granted. I lift off manoeuvre to where he was but despite trying various tactics to line up the doors never seem to open.

I do see some triangles which I presume are close proximity warnings but there doesn't seem to be anything showing in the HUD to guide the ship to the correct spot.

I would be grateful if someone could confirm a) there isn't any bug preventing the doors opening b) what should I be looking for targetwise in the HUD to line me up properly.

Many thanks in advance .


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
if you engage free look you can look up to see when you are under the doors. also remember your cockpit is in the front part of the ship. you might be lined up but the ship will not be. Usually there is a square on the radar with the triangle being you. once you get yourself in it the doors should open.

I don't know if there is or was a bug for this but I have never had an issue with it. Use free look to ensure you are directly under the forward part of the door right in the middle. the doors should open for you.


Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks for the reply Adiran and I think this may be the problem - I don't see any square on the radar and no triangle - my radar looks like a sphere unless I'm looking at the wrong thing.

Guess I'll go and watch the boot camp videos again

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
First things first: You're a testie! You don't need no stinkin' basic training!(besides, Gillie's a butthead who yelled at me and hurt my feelings, so I quit).
Second, I feel your pain because the same thing happened to me. What I suggest is to enter free flight in the drone sim. You will spawn close to what I believe is a huge terraforming apparatus with 4 landing pads on either side of it. You will be alone, with no Gillie ordering you around and nobody shooting at you. here you can fling your ship all over the sky, getting used to the controls and firing the guns. What I like to do is practice landings and takeoffs on the landing pads though. Practice hovering over the pad using only the strafing controls(up, down, left and right), THAT is how to get out of Gillie's hangar. After you have a basic understanding of how to fly the ship, go into spectrum match, free flight, and buzz around with the rest of the lunatics until one of them shoots at you. Stop screaming! Your combat training has begun! Alternatively, there is the battle royale in the spectrum matches, which actually earn you rental credits that will allow you to rent and try other ships and weapons at the same time you are getting valuable training, all while suffering fiery space death at the hands of some very good pilots! Good luck!


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks for the reply Adiran and I think this may be the problem - I don't see any square on the radar and no triangle - my radar looks like a sphere unless I'm looking at the wrong thing.

Guess I'll go and watch the boot camp videos again
just remember you sit in the front 5feet of a 60 foot ship. (not literally but you get the idea). Position the ship using free look (not yourself) in the middle of the doors to open them.
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