Ares Ion is nerfed to crap in the PTU


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I really liked the idea that it's not just another fighter, rather something more specialised.
Imo they should have given it maybe a bit less armor to compensate for the huge guns mass, maybe even slightly less agility to go along with that, upped the alpha, and just slowed down the projectiles so it becomes what it was meant to be, a large-ship sniper/artillery, the true glass cannon of the UEE navy.
But every ships gotta be a generic fighter now so... meh. I liked it while it lasted, don't own one anyways (except the bugged out rental from IAE that's Still in my list and I can summon lol)


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If this "balancing" of the ION makes it into the PU at this degree, it will mostly make the Ion no better than any ship with smaller weapons given its lack of maneuverability. Given this damage drop though, its effectiveness against larger ships will be nerfed as well, making it worthless for its role. With them nerfing the ION now, the Inferno will be next to be beaten with the squash hammer.

I like that they increased the fire rate, but they went way overboard. I would've suggested that it have gone from 38 shots per min to 60, so 1 per sec. Given that it's a S7 weapon, the dps should at least be the same if not more of 2 S6 weapons firing together via a turret.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Let's ask this, you get shown a video reel of a new car and it's functions and superior performance...

You get so excited and buy it then once delivered it have a two week max use of that performance ( that you was not told about)

So two week goes by and then it bounce down to less than a Beetle performance...

What would you do... ❓❗❓

Sue the company..❓ Crash the car in to the dealer..❓

Raise hell and anarchy....❓ rebell and cause a revolution...❓❓

Or would you just bend over and say thank you for the smack in the face,
can I have a kick in the ASS to.... 😮😆😂🤣

But really who didn't see this coming...🤭😜🤭😆😂🤣

CHEERS! ( great video by the way ) 👍😆😂🤣🤭😜😎
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Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I'm with you on this @Ayeteeone, I think the Aim Assist has been altered in the video from that guy. When I meant fake, I meant maliciously altered :) I think the guy altered the damping curvature for ESP.

I have reduced mine close to 1 (1.1) as you can see under and I can still score a few hits on a moving target, and I'm not even zooming (unfortunate player in AC, in an Arrow so low profile at this distance).


Btw my first Youtube ^^

So really, nothing to worry about, no nerf imbound exept for the Rate of Fire (and possibly the spread), and the no more one shot target ^^. I really like it now.
Congrats on your first YouTube - nice job!
Such a useful post. Wish I could 'like' it more than once.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Based on comments around social media, I'm guessing this is the cycle the last few years since I've been pretty hands off on the project?:

- Content creator tells people not to buy ships based on stats that can change.
- CIG creates new OP ship
- Content creator loves new ship
- More people buy said ship based on content creator feedback
- CIG balances OP ship so it is no longer OP
- Content creator complains that he bought an OP ship that is no longer OP and that the only reason CIG changes said stats was because they made their sales quota.
- Rinse and Repeat

Honestly ... the community seems way more toxic than it ever use to be. And I get that it's been 9 years so alot of people are restless. But it seems like people don't even believe the things they are telling other people, based on their ACTIONS. And it all just seems ... ooooof ... to me.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I really struggle (and fail) to understand CIG goals when it came to ship weapons degins...
CANNON should be slow ROF long range and hight alpha damage, while REPEATER should be f hight ROF, low damage short range weapons.
The balance should be that repeater can give you a better chance to place a hit on a small moving target while require sevvereal of those to couse damage, while using cannon should be hard to hit a small moving target but get the advantage to deal a bugger puch when you do it.
Right now all the cannon feel like repeater, short range, small damage and hight ROF, that why most of player simply dump actual repeater...

I think (my pure hypotesis) that CIG nerfed the ION do to how easy is to grind money doing BH mission since the AI actually sucs most of time, but this is make no sense as a solution to me... I mean is like having your sink leaking and floading your kitchen every time you open the water, and the solution is "not use the sink in the kitchen"... that's just stupid: you have deal with the conseguences, not solved the problem, your sink still leak....


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
@Cugino83 it is still as easy as before to farm the bounties in PTU now, just that it takes a few more seconds for a kill on small targets (XS size). But killing medium sized targets and above is as fast as before if not even slightly bit faster.
There is no nerf here regarding making good money with the Ion, it is the same money making machine as before, as efficient killing machine. But this is no more the alpha sniper we loved.

When people will cool down they will realise the ship is as good as before. Just some stats change, but for better DPS.


Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
I think (my pure hypotesis) that CIG nerfed the ION do to how easy is to grind money doing BH mission since the AI actually sucs most of time, but this is make no sense as a solution to me... I mean is like having your sink leaking and floading your kitchen every time you open the water, and the solution is "not use the sink in the kitchen"... that's just stupid: you have deal with the conseguences, not solved the problem, your sink still leak....
In my small experiences in MW:O, Fortnite and Battlefield I've seen the tendency to bring in something OP then nerf it just like the case with the Ion. From the date of the nerf you start collecting stats to make incremental increases based on data.

With the release of the Ion CIG found that with the weapon being that powerful against sub-par NPC's, thus giving players a distinct advantage in the BH gameplay loop monetarily. So I ask you this: If the Ion cannon stays at that level what's it going to do to the sub-par players who are getting these crime stats and on the wrong side of a BC contract? Players with crime stats are hopping on board MP ships like the Hammerhead and when an Ion pilot takes the job and then one shots the ship killing not only the bounty but the other players on the ship, thus giving the Ion pilot a crimestat. Is that fair to the people accepting these BH contracts?

Looking at the announcement CIG put out 2 days ago

I think there's some actual intention of nerfing the Ion because of the Lawbreaker changes.

What I'm about is nothing more than a hypothese so bear with me please.

Defense of Another
When a player without a CrimeStat is attacked without provocation (and the friendly-fire threshold is broken), the attacker will be seen as hostile by all other players and AI for the duration of the hostility timer associated with the attack. The more sustained the attack, the longer the timer. The timer is paused should the attacker be engaged by another player to prevent turning non-hostile mid-combat.

I think this is actually giving BH pilots who team up the opportunity to counteract what the criminals on the Hammerhead criminal players are doing.

If I am in a group of BH's and come across the HH scenario I would use a tactic of sending someone close enough to get fired upon. Thus making that ship an enemy ship to everyone in the group and targetable by those others and not collecting said crimestats under the Defense of Another condition.

If you couple it with this statement:

Criminals receive a Less Forgiving Friendly Fire Allowance
Criminal players or those with active hostility timers have a reduced friendly-fire allowance to prevent them from getting away with taking a shot, fleeing, taking shot, fleeing (with no hostility timer).

The playing field is being evened even further because it forces the ship holding the criminal with the bounty to engage in combat. So your team is no longer risking a crimestat and given the experience they're in not disappointing when you come across criminals flying around in HH's. Because they then can't hit and run, rinse and repeat. I've done that a few times and just end up quitting the bounty.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
CIG sells ships before they have ZERO idea on the final specs and how it will ultimately play in the game. That's just the reality.

Every ship you buy should be bought under the assumption that it's going to go through multiple tweaking passes and changes throughout its' life. The general size, design, and purpose are the only thing you can be sure most likely won't change dramatically.

CIG will always be changing stats on these ships to manipulate the meta. It's literally part of game design. And since the Ares is a soloable ship that grew in popularity extremely fast, it stands to reason they would start messing with it sooner than later. They don't want one ship (The Ares) make an entire genre of ships (dog fighters) obsolete. You could argue the old stats did just that and precisely why you saw most people throw away their fighters for the Ares in their play sessions.

It's still going to be a S tier ship because it pretty much has to be to do its job.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Defense of Another
When a player without a CrimeStat is attacked without provocation (and the friendly-fire threshold is broken), the attacker will be seen as hostile by all other players and AI for the duration of the hostility timer associated with the attack. The more sustained the attack, the longer the timer. The timer is paused should the attacker be engaged by another player to prevent turning non-hostile mid-combat.
Defense of Another ... I think that Texas is wearing off on the CIG staff in the Austin branch. Defending oneself as well as defending those that can't defend themselves are Texas codes of honor that have gone back to when it was 1st settled, including the natives.

If I am in a group of BH's and come across the HH scenario I would use a tactic of sending someone close enough to get fired upon. Thus making that ship an enemy ship to everyone in the group and targetable by those others and not collecting said crimestats under the Defense of Another condition.
I was always under the impression ever since CIG said that there would be consequences for players that are known associates of criminal players & that if you have a criminal player onboard your ship & get scanned, there's a large likelyhood that the ship & those on it will be treated as criminals that are harboring or aiding them so long as they're on that ship.

Criminals receive a Less Forgiving Friendly Fire Allowance
Criminal players or those with active hostility timers have a reduced friendly-fire allowance to prevent them from getting away with taking a shot, fleeing, taking shot, fleeing (with no hostility timer).

The playing field is being evened even further because it forces the ship holding the criminal with the bounty to engage in combat. So your team is no longer risking a crimestat and given the experience they're in not disappointing when you come across criminals flying around in HH's. Because they then can't hit and run, rinse and repeat. I've done that a few times and just end up quitting the bounty.
During the past Xeno Thrreat events, while teaming up with other players to take down the Hammers & Idris ships, I'd periodically hit or kill another player that would get between myself & the target. It happened most when at mid range distance with the large ships while I was on a turret & a small to medium ship would fly through my shots out of the blue while they were doing their best to damage the target as well. It also tended to happen if I was attacking an incoming fighter to defend our ship & 1 of our dog fighters accidentally got in the way as I was firing but before I could release the trigger. I felt bad & would stop firing for a while to check to make sure that I hadn't caused myself & the ship a crime stat accidentally. Thankfully I never did.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
$10 CCU from Ion to Warden. . . this guy was planning ahead!!! But I only grabbed two during IAE I think, shoulda got 20 to scalp on the grey market here this week, lol, oh well!
Hey.. now there is an idea. They might be expensive LTI tokens, but since they are paid for... hmmm. I do have a BMM ccu that hasn't been used yet..

White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
Hmmm.....tring Ion today for first time after update.....

It is really different....happened to me today for first time in Ion that PVE killed me...
It was definetly a nerf.....and big one...
Completely changed the feel of a ship from something unique and powerful to something bland and weak.

It's sad and makes me question the intelligence of everyone involved in the decision.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll compare it to a trip to the store filled shopping bags but once you get home to unpack you see the bags are just filled with crap bubble-rap...
Do you feel cheated..

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
There Ion .. go **** yourself...

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