Best Stealth Transport


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
That's just it; too many ships . . .again. Haha. I've been eyeballing the Polaris and Nautilus as well. I really like them both.

But it just seems really bulky having all these ships, and only ever using a couple. Even the MSR, which I fell in love with when it was concepted, I barely use. I may need to make time for it, haha.
Same. My MSR gone melty melt. Be ruthless mine Owl!!!! xx
Kind of in the same puddle of mud.. got a lot more in than what I use, and coming to the opinion that cutting the small ones in favor of a few really big ones makes quite a bit of sense.

As a thought to ponder, many of the medium ships should become quite useful for the solo pilot once NPC crew are available. I DESPISE the idea that I'll be limited to single seaters and local gameplay if I'm out by myself. Which is often, as my play hours for SC are all over the map, and usually focused on some specific aspect of the game. Especially when I am bug hunting - doesn't make for good group play.

At time it feels to me like the push for force players together is reaching a pathological level.. even EvE Online, harsh as it is, doesn't force you into a particular role or ship, or even a group. You can chose the ship you want to fly (for better or worse lol) but it NEVER depends on another player enabling the choice.

If NPC crew do not become viable, then using bigger ships will become like the weekend raid, where you cajole a handful of friends into hanging out for a while in the hopes of a few minutes of fun using the ship for its intended purpose.


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
I DESPISE the idea that I'll be limited to single seaters and local gameplay if I'm out by myself.
I don't think you need to worry too much about that; in general I find even currently medium-sized ships to be better than single seaters for most things. And even a half-assed NPC type thingy will open up larger ships a LOT. I think bigger ships will still be more FUN with other people, but they'll also still WORK solo. Just take Xenothreat for instance. Cutlass/Connie/MSR/Redeemer/600i/Vanguard/etc. all work just great even if you're by yourself, and you can run any/all parts of XT that you want. Put just a second person in any of them though and it's both more fun and more effective. And yes I've even brought out my Carrack solo during XT once or twice. Just park it at a wreck with the mouth open and bring something in the hangar to go dogfight with, then come back whenever you want to run the cargo back. It's not min/maxed, but it also really does still 'work.'

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Same. My MSR gone melty melt. Be ruthless mine Owl!!!! xx
Ugh. Which MSR do I cut? I have two, haha.

I was going to make a stealth fleet on my alt account, but this dang thread has me thinking that it's kinda pointless right now.

However, now I've transferred hundreds of dollars in credits over, so I gotta find a reason for having this other account, haha. Maybe a goodie-two shoes account, as my main will be involved in some Privateering shenanigans. Sheesh. Back to the drawing board.

Suggestions/brainstorming welcome, haha
Kind of in the same puddle of mud.. got a lot more in than what I use, and coming to the opinion that cutting the small ones in favor of a few really big ones makes quite a bit of sense.

As a thought to ponder, many of the medium ships should become quite useful for the solo pilot once NPC crew are available. I DESPISE the idea that I'll be limited to single seaters and local gameplay if I'm out by myself. Which is often, as my play hours for SC are all over the map, and usually focused on some specific aspect of the game. Especially when I am bug hunting - doesn't make for good group play.

At time it feels to me like the push for force players together is reaching a pathological level.. even EvE Online, harsh as it is, doesn't force you into a particular role or ship, or even a group. You can chose the ship you want to fly (for better or worse lol) but it NEVER depends on another player enabling the choice.

If NPC crew do not become viable, then using bigger ships will become like the weekend raid, where you cajole a handful of friends into hanging out for a while in the hopes of a few minutes of fun using the ship for its intended purpose.
Ya know, I feel the same, especially in regards to the medium ships. I'll be keeping a couple of them, as they feel the most like home to me. I honestly really value ships by their interior layout. Maybe that's why I struggle with the MSR right now; it feels cramped. I should take a tour of the 600i and 400i, see if they're more my speed. And the small end of the large ships are just awesome. Ie Carrack.

So yeah, I may divest a bunch of those little ships, keep one for bounties (Defender), and choose a medium ship as my "home".
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Same. My MSR gone melty melt. Be ruthless mine Owl!!!! xx
So my Owl account will be staying as-is for now. I can't melt the Sentinel or MSR, as they're in my OG Exploration package, and with a melt value of 1060, having a Carrack Expedition w/ C8X Pisces Expedition, a Redeemer, an MSR, a Sentinel and a Dragonfly . . .well, I can't justify melting that. I'll never get that value back. So I either hope they fix the Sentinel and I fall in love with the MSR, or I thnk long and hard about what to upgrade those two into.

And my alien ships are staying because I like them.
fleetpic (4).png

So I *think* I'll just leave this fleet alone, and when my . . .urges (lol) start up to play with a fleet, I'll do that on the second account. That way I don't inadvertently destroy something I love. So as I was stating before, I was going to go full stealth on the the account. Now . . .fuck. Now I don't know.

Maybe a salvage fleet, haha.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So my Owl account will be staying as-is for now.
My "forcing myself to be brutal" planned fleet hehe.

There may be store credit room for a polaris - or at the very least a Genisis starliner.


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Is the point of having a second account so that you can have different reputation in each?
Yeah, precisely. We have many shenanigans planned for launch, including, but not limited to, Privateering. So I'll have a couple ships on another account that focuses on something mundane like bounty hunting and salvage, etc.
My "forcing myself to be brutal" planned fleet hehe.

There may be store credit room for a polaris - or at the very least a Genisis starliner.

Yeah. I still have a significant amount of credit on my main account. Thinking Naut, Polaris, or even a Kraken.


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
with a melt value of 1060, having a Carrack Expedition w/ C8X Pisces Expedition, a Redeemer, an MSR, a Sentinel and a Dragonfly . . .well, I can't justify melting that
I hear ya, my OG exploration pack is in a similar state of unmeltableness. Only question remaining for it is whether the BMM or Cutlass eventually turns into the Polaris. . . We'll see what the next patches and sales bring!
At least you still have some options to play with with that dragonfly!

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Ugh. Which MSR do I cut? I have two, haha.

I was going to make a stealth fleet on my alt account, but this dang thread has me thinking that it's kinda pointless right now.

However, now I've transferred hundreds of dollars in credits over, so I gotta find a reason for having this other account, haha. Maybe a goodie-two shoes account, as my main will be involved in some Privateering shenanigans. Sheesh. Back to the drawing board.

Suggestions/brainstorming welcome, haha

Ya know, I feel the same, especially in regards to the medium ships. I'll be keeping a couple of them, as they feel the most like home to me. I honestly really value ships by their interior layout. Maybe that's why I struggle with the MSR right now; it feels cramped. I should take a tour of the 600i and 400i, see if they're more my speed. And the small end of the large ships are just awesome. Ie Carrack.

So yeah, I may divest a bunch of those little ships, keep one for bounties (Defender), and choose a medium ship as my "home".
The hell with stealth. Use your MSR as a "go fast boat" and be gone before anyone knows you were there. The freighters aren't meant to fight, mostly, and they are too big to hide. Keep your speed up and do some distance.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I was going to make a stealth fleet on my alt account, but this dang thread has me thinking that it's kinda pointless right now.
So I either hope they fix the Sentinel and I fall in love with the MSR, or...
If you trust Yogi, genuine stealth gameplay will be back. Obviously we don't know the particulars, but as stealth/electronic warfare are my cup of Earl Grey I'll be watching very closely.

Nothing wrong with the Sentinel at all. It is a superb PvE and PvP ship, solo or with a friend. It has excellent handling and G's available for it's size, and offers a livable space to do almost anything other than bulk cargo. It tops the lists for both Subliminal and Avenger__One in their evaluations.

It is an open question about the EMP, but seems unlikely that it will keep that once actual EW gameplay is developed. Which is fine by me.. EMP is a tackle tool for fixing the enemy in place, and really belongs on fast ships. Potentially, CIG could say that that medium ships like the Cutty Blue and the Sentinel are intended to stop their own size and larger.. but somehow I don't think that will happen.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
How about the Origin 150-S? A blend of the 135's features along with stealth components. It doesn't exist as a variant yet. But watch for it when funding pace slows. It will sell like hot cakes.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I hear ya, my OG exploration pack is in a similar state of unmeltableness. Only question remaining for it is whether the BMM or Cutlass eventually turns into the Polaris. . . We'll see what the next patches and sales bring!
At least you still have some options to play with with that dragonfly!
View attachment 23442
Yeah man. I think at this point I'll stick to my guns, and my guns were "this package is sacrosanct and shall not be melted".
The hell with stealth. Use your MSR as a "go fast boat" and be gone before anyone knows you were there. The freighters aren't meant to fight, mostly, and they are too big to hide. Keep your speed up and do some distance.

In all seriousness though, that's not a bad idea whatsoever. Living my Millennium Falcon dream.
If you trust Yogi, genuine stealth gameplay will be back. Obviously we don't know the particulars, but as stealth/electronic warfare are my cup of Earl Grey I'll be watching very closely
Me too man, the EW and Datarunning aspect to be specific. That's what I wanted from the start, hence the MSR and Sentinel being the basis and backbone of my fleet. I've been waffling on the rest, like the Herald, Razor Ex, Hornet Ghost.

I trust Yogi. Just need to re-evaluate what ships fit the stealth/EW/Datarunning category.
Nothing wrong with the Sentinel at all. It is a superb PvE and PvP ship, solo or with a friend. It has excellent handling and G's available for it's size, and offers a livable space to do almost anything other than bulk cargo. It tops the lists for both Subliminal and Avenger__One in their evaluations
I've never not loved my Sentinel. She's a beauty to fly, and I'm sure she'll end up being what she was designed to be.
It is an open question about the EMP, but seems unlikely that it will keep that once actual EW gameplay is developed. Which is fine by me.. EMP is a tackle tool for fixing the enemy in place, and really belongs on fast ships. Potentially, CIG could say that that medium ships like the Cutty Blue and the Sentinel are intended to stop their own size and larger.. but somehow I don't think that will happen.
I'm not overly concerned about the EMP. I want the stealth and EW aspects of my baby back (or implemented) haha.
How about the Origin 150-S? A blend of the 135's features along with stealth components. It doesn't exist as a variant yet. But watch for it when funding pace slows. It will sell like hot cakes.
What is this? And why haven't I heard of it?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If you trust Yogi, genuine stealth gameplay will be back. Obviously we don't know the particulars, but as stealth/electronic warfare are my cup of Earl Grey I'll be watching very closely.

Nothing wrong with the Sentinel at all. It is a superb PvE and PvP ship, solo or with a friend. It has excellent handling and G's available for it's size, and offers a livable space to do almost anything other than bulk cargo. It tops the lists for both Subliminal and Avenger__One in their evaluations.

It is an open question about the EMP, but seems unlikely that it will keep that once actual EW gameplay is developed. Which is fine by me.. EMP is a tackle tool for fixing the enemy in place, and really belongs on fast ships. Potentially, CIG could say that that medium ships like the Cutty Blue and the Sentinel are intended to stop their own size and larger.. but somehow I don't think that will happen.
The Sentinel is supposed to have "EMP Charges," whatever that means.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Nothing wrong with the Sentinel at all. It is a superb PvE and PvP ship, solo or with a friend. It has excellent handling and G's available for it's size, and offers a livable space to do almost anything other than bulk cargo. It tops the lists for both Subliminal and Avenger__One in their evaluations.
It used to be S tier in their evaluations, but they both moved it down to A tier when its EMP was nerfed in 3.17. Avenger_One was all like "thank God" because he hated that there was a ship where an average pilot could compete with him in an S tier dog fighter. Well, there is no longer.

BTW, as good as he is, Avenger_One makes some serous blunders with this appraisals and recommendations. For instance, though he says the Razor is just a better M50, he forgets the Razor had a shield removed, and that it has a much poorer view out the front. Those are both very serious issues.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It used to be S tier in their evaluations, but they both moved it down to A tier when its EMP was nerfed in 3.17. Avenger_One was all like "thank God" because he hated that there was a ship where an average pilot could compete with him in an S tier dog fighter. Well, there is no longer.

BTW, as good as he is, Avenger_One makes some serous blunders with this appraisals and recommendations. For instance, though he says the Razor is just a better M50, he forgets the Razor had a shield removed, and that it has a much poorer view out the front. Those are both very serious issues.
Lol, yeah, Razor was on my list of "stealth ships" to buy. Mostly based on a lot of your/our theorycrafting from a while back. Unfortunately, I wasn't tracking the changes to stealth, albeit temporary changes that they apparently are. So I'm no longer going to build a stealth fleet.

After spending a bunch of money to move a bunch of credits to my alt account for my stealth fleet, I turned around and sent it all back to my main account. Ol' Owl's just gunna go ahead and get a Kraken instead. Hahha.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Lol, yeah, Razor was on my list of "stealth ships" to buy. Mostly based on a lot of your/our theorycrafting from a while back. Unfortunately, I wasn't tracking the changes to stealth, albeit temporary changes that they apparently are. So I'm no longer going to build a stealth fleet.

After spending a bunch of money to move a bunch of credits to my alt account for my stealth fleet, I turned around and sent it all back to my main account. Ol' Owl's just gunna go ahead and get a Kraken instead. Hahha.
Well you have to move those stealth ships somehow.
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