Bomber Squadron?



YES, let the fire consume our enemies. Let it purify them.

I hope Retaliators can load up on nuclear weaponry, even if they are prohibitively expensive.

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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle

A little something in the way of awesome. Going to try real hard to be more active and informative in this thread because after talking about it with IRL buds, and planning some super epic (its always epic with ZeroKool mind you), we really feel like this is going to be one of the funniest groups out there. My IRL mates and I are planning something pretty freaking awesome, can't wait to share with you guys but for now here's a lil B1B Bomber Porn in High Def (watched it on new nexus 6 in hires and oh man, even refueling the bombers are going to be fun). Also, this brings up a great point. How many dedicated Tankers are we gonna have? Do we even need a refueling wing? Seems like it would make sense. What types of other support craft will we need. Rearming without rebasing perhaps? I feel like we should probably be discussing a lot of this stuff sooner or later. Bomber fleet is going to be super awesome for sure though, can't wait.
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Nov 26, 2013
RSI Handle
A refueling wing may be useful for Talis, since they won't be able to operate off of anything smaller than an escort carrier. Some kind of planetside logistics and ops group may be required as well, since most of the time they'll be rearming and repairing at a forward operating base rather than aboard a ship.

Come to think of it, I don't think Retaliators are going to have much in the way of combat endurance because of that. The art we've seen so far suggests we'll get eight torpedoes that will last for maybe two to four attack runs, and then we'll be gunboats at best. That means the Talis are going to bring a lot of heat in the first few minutes of an engagement, but become liabilities after. Gladiators only get the one big torpedo, but they can keep up a slow, steady bombardment by rearming on smaller capships.

I'd really like for the Retaliator to be able to serve as a missile bus, too. Imagine rotary racks of size 3 missiles in the bays, and target designators on the turrets. You could just roll through the battlespace spewing rocket propelled death at anything approaching within 4 klicks. Glorious!
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
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If there's some way to re-arm Talis in mid-flight, they would have a massive advantage over Gladiators simply due to the fact that they already carry a lot more ordinance, and larger ordinance at that. I don't see that being an easy change to swing. More likely, we'd have to have a resupply base that they can return to with full hangar capability.

I'm expecting the Gladiator to excel in short-range operations, when there's a carrier or corvette nearby they can resupply in. Talis will probably will have a much larger flight range, making them ideal for long-range strikes into territory with no resupply bases nearby.
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
A refueling wing may be useful for Talis, since they won't be able to operate off of anything smaller than an escort carrier. Some kind of planetside logistics and ops group may be required as well, since most of the time they'll be rearming and repairing at a forward operating base rather than aboard a ship.

Come to think of it, I don't think Retaliators are going to have much in the way of combat endurance because of that. The art we've seen so far suggests we'll get eight torpedoes that will last for maybe two to four attack runs, and then we'll be gunboats at best. That means the Talis are going to bring a lot of heat in the first few minutes of an engagement, but become liabilities after. Gladiators only get the one big torpedo, but they can keep up a slow, steady bombardment by rearming on smaller capships.

I'd really like for the Retaliator to be able to serve as a missile bus, too. Imagine rotary racks of size 3 missiles in the bays, and target designators on the turrets. You could just roll through the battlespace spewing rocket propelled death at anything approaching within 4 klicks. Glorious!
Okay so then they will make excellent bait after the attack, and should probably either get in and out ASAP, and have an escort or attack wing in the waiting, on the egress route?

I REALLY want to be able to swap my Tali to a Missle Boat too. Would be so legit. I not only can imagine it @Thrash but have daydreamed about it. Would be perfect for escorting the Party Idris or Javy's with a few of the Tali's armed for "Anti-air" duty. Also, here's to hoping we get "TOW" our Torps. Either way, I think I would like to be the Bombardier on my bird or boat.. or whatever it is.

If there's some way to re-arm Talis in mid-flight, they would have a massive advantage over Gladiators simply due to the fact that they already carry a lot more ordinance, and larger ordinance at that. I don't see that being an easy change to swing. More likely, we'd have to have a resupply base that they can return to with full hangar capability.

I'm expecting the Gladiator to excel in short-range operations, when there's a carrier or corvette nearby they can resupply in. Talis will probably will have a much larger flight range, making them ideal for long-range strikes into territory with no resupply bases nearby.
You are sure right about that, but I assume whatever re-arming mechanic is there is going to be a lot longer for the Tali than the Glad. That should balance that out a bit. But it probably will take too long most of the time to really re-arm, and make multiple attack runs? Perhaps only in the largest of battles. So then, we should probably get used to getting good at hitting fast and hard, and doing as much damage as possible on the first run? What do you guys think?

Okay more Bomber Porn!:

Watching this B2 Refuel is just nuts and I really get a giant heap of respect for these dudes who actually pull this crazy shit off.

And here is some more B1B Action:


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't have a bomber, but would be glad to run support in a fighter or crew a bomber. This sounds like a great and fun idea!
You may have a seat on any of my birds brother. Even pilot them as long as you have been trained and Certified to fly by TEST Training Instructors ;)


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Exarkun007, Captain of the Smarmy Diplomat, reporting for gladiator duty. I require one gunner, and 16 fingers of scotch, neat.
I will gun for you any damn day sir. And since you are a man of my tastes I shall bring the Glenfiddich 12 yr, and a couple of glasses for us. My grand parents were Scottish so it's pretty much in my blood, the Whiskey I mean.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Newb question here. Is that everything that that bomber can equip, or everything that it can carry at once?
I do believe that is just one payload. Can someone confirm though? I know there are a few of you USAF boys in here :)

Nah brah, nukes don't work as well in vacuum. It's all about that Anti-Matter baby!
Anti-Matter for the WIN! I hope to god they will give us $100 per Nuke Pay2Win AM Missles or Torps. I will hadji my tali with em until I have to file for bankruptcy.


Vice Admiral
Jul 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Well, i got a hornet that i can help escort with. Or i can just crash my reclaimer into stuff. I would be nice to have the option to load up the cargo hold of my freelancer with explosive material to create a suicide ship.
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