Bye TikTok

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If TikTok would be banned because it is spyware i'm totally fine with that. But its clear to see that its just an excuse to escalate the trade war.
You can't seriously be stating that this has anything to do with either politics or economics?

Edit: this statement was pure sarcasm, lol.
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Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Well the second assumption Trump returned to be a Baby (again):

"His comments came a day after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo floated such a ban as part of an escalating trade war with China."

And i shut up on this topic now because pol

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think people are missing the relevant facts here. It was at the urging of the intelligence and defense community that Trump "banned" TikTok. That's an executive order, not a law. It affects only governmental agencies. POTUS cannot make law by himself. (Did you guys study civics in grade school?) The app is not "banned' to the average citizen, though you'd need to be a moron to keep it on any of your devices. It is pure spyware.

This is more fallout from the human rights violations in Hong Kong, same as the Brits cancelling billions in orders from Huwai for 5G. They're saying it is over security, but the reason for cracking down on security is China is pissing everyone off by violating their Hong Kong agreement. China has reniged on it's treaty of "one country two systems" and stollen the people of Hong Kong's rights to free speech, assembly and to a free press. Expect to see more of this.

And to the pundits making this out to be all about Trump, your hatred makes you foolish. This is about China violating their treaty with the UK and stealing the rights of millions of people--stuff you just don't care about, but would if you weren't so busy hating.

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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think people are missing the relevant facts here. It was at the urging of the intelligence and defense community that Trump "banned" TikTok. That's an executive order, not a law. It affects only governmental agencies. POTUS cannot make law by himself. (Did you guys study civics in grade school?) The app is not "banned' to the average citizen, though you'd need to be a moron to keep it on any of your devices. It is pure spyware.

This is more fallout from the human rights violations in Hong Kong, same as the Brits cancelling billions in orders from Huwai for 5G. They're saying it is over security, but the reason for cracking down on security is China is pissing everyone off by violating their Hong Kong agreement. China has reniged on it's treaty of "one country two systems" and stollen the people of Hong Kong's rights to free speech, assembly and to a free press. Expect to see more of this.

And to the pundits making this out to be all about Trump, your hatred makes you foolish. This is about China violating their treaty with the UK and stealing the rights of millions of people--stuff you just don't care about, but would if you weren't so busy hating.

Look, no one is arguing why the ban came about, I posted earlier this was a result of congress pushing this in 2019 because of the Hong Kong issues, we all know the issues are real.

The fact is Trump could care less about the humanity issues behind this, Trump is a selfish, egotistical, narcissistic piece of dog turd and everyone knows this, the reason Trump is pushing this is purely self driven, this has nothing to do with security or human rights issues, if this was Russia Trump would be promoting Tik Tok.

The real answer is both of these statements are true, yes the real reasons behind the ban are legitimate but its also true Trumps personal interests are the most important thing to him, not America's and certainly not people who live in China or Hong Kong. To sit here and claim that Trump is doing this for any other reason than his own personal agenda is idiotic and embarrassing to say the least.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think one of two things will happen, either congress will recommend a policy change in how information and firewalls are handled with foreign data being allowed into the country which is what India did to ban it and Australia is also considering the ban in the same way. If congress finds a security risk they may be able to pass a law or policy that would allow the U.S. to ban something like this but it would take time.

The way its going to go down is the U.S. will force them to sell or merge it with an American company so the security risk is gone.

There is quite a few posts about how the U.S. can go after Tik Tok, there is also talk of retaliation against Apple and Google by China if it turns nasty.

Again, I don't think anyone argues the validity of the accusations against China and Tik Tok, we do however question Trumps motives. lol

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
I think one of two things will happen, either congress will recommend a policy change in how information and firewalls are handled with foreign data being allowed into the country which is what India did to ban it and Australia is also considering the ban in the same way. If congress finds a security risk they may be able to pass a law or policy that would allow the U.S. to ban something like this but it would take time.

The way its going to go down is the U.S. will force them to sell or merge it with an American company so the security risk is gone.

There is quite a few posts about how the U.S. can go after Tik Tok, there is also talk of retaliation against Apple and Google by China if it turns nasty.

Again, I don't think anyone argues the validity of the accusations against China and Tik Tok, we do however question Trumps motives. lol
Microsoft is now in talks to buy the U.S. portion of Tik Tok...


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Yeah I'm a big HK and Taiwan supporter and all but this totally reeks of ulterior motives from the Trump administration.

As for the App itself...I mean unless you're a 15 year old teenager, you shouldn't be using it.

We're all good then cause we're all a bunch of chubby, balding old dudes.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I won't condemn all of Tik Tok because some of its bad, I actually saw tons of video's where people were doing some pretty cool stuff, ya there was also an obscene amount of barely legal girls with no bra's and see through tops getting hundreds of thousands of likes and it was pretty out of control if you ask me. Its sad that the people who actually created some decent content are tossed in with the ones who are there for click bait.

I won't jump the hate bandwagon I think social media has its good and its bad, some people make good career's out getting their idea's or creativity noticed on these platforms.

The bottom line is, if its a security concern then absolutely it needs to be addressed, as for people expressing themselves, hell in a time where juvenile suicide is at its highest I think Tik Tok is the least of our problems.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I find it quite disturbing, how many people I talk to that don't know were in a cold war with China, completely not unlike the one we had with the USSR. I won't sit here and try to convince you if you don't believe me, I'd just encourage you to try and prove me wrong. The world is in much deeper shit than is being portrayed to the average person and there's way too many distractions.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I find it quite disturbing, how many people I talk to that don't know were in a cold war with China, completely not unlike the one we had with the USSR. I won't sit here and try to convince you if you don't believe me, I'd just encourage you to try and prove me wrong. The world is in much deeper shit than is being portrayed to the average person and there's way too many distractions.
While I agree we are in a Cold war with China, I don't remember anyone in this thread even bringing that topic up let alone disagreeing with you lol.

The problem is we have an administration and a president who are incapable of handling any war, these people can't handle a playground snowball fight let alone something along the size and scope of a Cold war with China. The last Cold war lasted 40 years, if people think Trump is some sort of genius tactician than you are crazy, this man is impulsive, irrational and purely driven by the instinct to protect his ego at all costs.

So yes you are right there is a Cold war brewing but the last thing this country needs is a tweeting man child running the country as a personal ego trip, an administration more concerned with making the man child happy then serving the American people.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
While I agree we are in a Cold war with China, I don't remember anyone in this thread even bringing that topic up let alone disagreeing with you lol.

The problem is we have an administration and a president who are incapable of handling any war, these people can't handle a playground snowball fight let alone something along the size and scope of a Cold war with China. The last Cold war lasted 40 years, if people think Trump is some sort of genius tactician than you are crazy, this man is impulsive, irrational and purely driven by the instinct to protect his ego at all costs.

So yes you are right there is a Cold war brewing but the last thing this country needs is a tweeting man child running the country as a personal ego trip, an administration more concerned with making the man child happy then serving the American people.
If were talking about national security issues stemming from a Chinese app and how it relates to the bigger picture, then yes it completely relates to the topic. As for trump, your emotions are clearly leading your thoughts, I never brought him up let alone said I thought he's some sort of genius tactician.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
If were talking about national security issues stemming from a Chinese app and how it relates to the bigger picture, then yes it completely relates to the topic. As for trump, your emotions are clearly leading your thoughts, I never brought him up let alone said I thought he's some sort of genius tactician.
I never said you said he was, but there are many brainless twits in this country who do, that is why I said "people".

Again there are disagreements with the security issues behind Tik Tok, so far there is no proof of security leaks or abuse, they have investigated but so far nothing has been proven, the only thing proven as of yet is that it can be a security issue and that it could be hacked. And if Applications are so easily breached and abused what's to stop American companies or threats from abusing them? Matter of fact peoples identities are stolen all the time in various ways inside and outside of the country and yet we don't seem to hear about them, yet China is all over the news.

Those same people still think Russia did not interfere in our election when dozens of intelligence agencies across the world said they did. Trump has alienated our allies, befriended our enemies and now when we need our allies the most with a Cold war brewing we are ever more becoming isolated from the world. Trump has everything to do with our current situation, just like you said bringing up Tik Tok has everything to do with the bigger picture, Trump does as well.

So ya, your damn right I am emotional when it comes to Trump, the man is a traitor, he is compromised by Russia and a disaster to foreign policy including helping a Cold war with China escalating out of control, if you are not emotionally charged over the leader of this country fueling a Cold war for his own personal ego trip then you are the one with the problem I think.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
if people think Trump is some sort of genius tactician than you are crazy
You said "you". Unless the definition of "You" has changed you specifically were referring to me. It's cool, I can see how that can get misconstrued.

you are the one with the problem I think.
I never said you had a problem, I said that you were emotionally charged over something I didn't even mention. My post wasn't a reply to you, otherwise I would have replied specifically to your post. I made my statement and you dismissed it and condescendingly laughed about it which is insulting to say the least. You went on an unsolicited rant about trump, I replied to you, then you went on another rant about trump. How am I supposed to rationalize that.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Deleted my comments, sorry for being MEAN! :( Where is 3.10 maybe if I had something to do I wouldn't be on these damn forums!
I accept and appreciate your apology. I know you didn't ask for this advice, but try not to let trump live in your head. These are stressful times and with all the anger and frustration we feel, it can bring out the worst in us.
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