Piracy Cargo 'mining'


Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
After having a look around the professions here I haven't seen any mention of the piracy specialisation that I was thinking of, i.e. exclusively hitting npc ships. Just a note, my only interest in doing this is to finance other activities. So I guess the answer to my first question may be the end of this line of thought. Is this not going to be possible?
Proceeding on the assumption that it will be - The appeal of this to me is that the interactions will be more predictable, and stressing other players is something I'd prefer to reserve enthusiastically for confirmed enemies.
Predictability means procedures can be refined to maximise profits, and as for the ethics, AI ships are just a game resource, high yielding motorised asteroids if you will :grin:


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
player tears taste better than NPC tears

just sayin'

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Well probably most will avoid piracy that read this part on the RSI forum where C.R. tell in more detail how he want the game to be, his vision.
It don't exactly sound so romantic to be a pirate as it might seem, after reading that I for one will avoid getting on the wrong side. ;)

Here are some quotes from that article, I do encourage you all to read it all. ;)
Quote Chris Roberts:

Q. What happens I am captured rather than rescued?

If your escape pod is captured by another player or NPC, your game will continue… but there will be penalties depending on your situation. If you are a criminal and are delivered to a prison planet, for instance, you will need to pay off the authorities to escape. If you are sold into slavery, you will need to buy your freedom.

Q. How will you counteract griefing?

We believe this system will actually dis-incentivize griefers: If you’re a player who wants to camp out in a safe area to kill new players, you’ll quickly have a bounty on your head, and legal PvP will be authorized on you. If you target ejected pilots, lethal force on your ejected pilot can be authorized too. Attempting to grief new players will probably hasten your character’s death a lot quicker than the new players you’re trying to terrorize. We feel that by giving harsh penalties to people that target ejected pilots, allowing most injuries to be survivable, letting players upgrade for survivability to their specifications will help reduce the incentive to grief. But we’re also aware that everything will need to be balanced once the game goes live. So that’s our most important promise: we will continue to balance this system so that it works rather than allowing it to become a tool for players who want to make the game difficult for others.

Q. What are the penalties for targeting an ejected pilot?

Players who target helpless ejected pilots in civilized space that don’t have an official UEE death bounty on their heads are the scum of the universe and will be treated as such by the authorities and marked for death by other players. Pilots who shoot down ejection pods will have trouble navigating civilized space because the police will be on their tails… and they’ll have trouble in the lawless regions, too, because there will be heavy government bounties on their heads (in addition to any player bounties that might be added.)

Q. What qualifies as a “death”?

Not ejecting before your ship blows up, taking a head shot during boarding, having your ejected pilot or escape pod targeted and destroyed while floating in space.

Q. How many “lives” will I get?

The exact number of “lives” will be balanced as development of the game progresses. The intention is to allow multiple “deaths” before you’re properly dead. So expect to wake up in the med bay at least half a dozen times if not more. And getting to this point won’t be common unless you are participating in a lot of boarding actions or flying in areas where there is no law and order. Please note that it will not ultimately be a single, static counter: taking different risks and dying in different ways will impact your overall survivability at different rates. Remember, the key to Star Citizen is visceral realism: so while the system works this way under the hood, there’s not going to be a “life counter” at the bottom of your screen!

Q. Are you concerned that the fear of permanent death will scare players away from combat?

No. We’re building a combat game and are going to do everything possible to encourage players to dogfight and otherwise battle each other. In most dogfights, even if your ship is destroyed, you won’t lose a life as it’s very likely you will eject in time. Waking up in a med bay with a new limb should be a rare occurrence unless you really like to live in the most dangerous and unregulated parts of the galaxy. The fear of permanent death will cause some anxiety which will add to the overall experience… but it will be more than countered by the potential rewards. In a world where everyone is vulnerable, no one has an advantage.

If you want you can read the hole back story of Chris vision and his goal better explained how the game will be here ;)
I do encourage you all to read it all. ;)

Being a pirate might sound romatic and cool but as in real life a pirate lifespan is mostly short oh so short.. :P
It's called "the persistent universe" for a reason ;)
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
That sentiment does seem a little inconsistent with your handle, but I guess we'll both be on the same side of the law :slight_smile:
I am curious - how have you inferred anything about me from my name?
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
My theory is to have a couple of junk crates in my cargo hold that can be jettisoned easily in the event of piracy on one of my freighters. It might help, it might not. But its worth dropping a couple crates of rubber dog poo so to speak and se if they bite while I jump out of range
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Just keep in mind your reputation. They havent given us too much detail about it, but it is something to keep in mind.
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Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
I am curious - how have you inferred anything about me from my name?
:grin: First off, please excuse faults of name spelling in what follows.
I'm old enough to remember a TV show called something like 'Dobie Gillis maybe Gillus, a college aged guy, sitcom type of thing. Now Dobie had a side kick mate, called Maynard G Krebs, Maynard was not only a side kick, he was a beatnik, probably bongo drums etc. One of Maynard's memorable characteristics was that if any one said the word 'work' he'd freak out and give a strangled cry 'WORK'. Now my impression from all those decades ago is that it'd be odds on that he was a committed pacifist. Your avatar bears a striking resemblance to my recollection of him, but now that I come to think of it, maybe he had a bum fluff goatee beard or some such, maybe that's just projected memory though.
Now to your question, I don't infer anything about you from your name, or handle for that matter, it's just the handle combined with that avatar seemed incongruous with the bloodthirsty, well maybe even sadistic :slight_smile: comment that you made. No judgement or assumption about you. If any thing my error from your comment was the assumption that you'd be on the 'wrong' side of the law. For all I know you may be some one itching to fulfil the role of sadistic copper :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT Doh, just noticed your RSI handle
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Jul 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Well probably most will avoid piracy that read this part on the RSI forum where C.R. tell in more detail how he want the game to be, his vision............................... ;)
Thanks for that info and link. Addressing some of that and what Printimus mentioned below - what I've outlined above doesn't run foul of the forces against griefing as quoted by you. CR fully expects and CIG is making piracy a player option. For sure, the account that engages in cargo mining will be a crim account, and I expect plenty of pvp to ensue from that, the freight companies involved would likely put a price on my head, and there will be zealously law abiding players who seek out and attempt to destroy anyone of the criminal persuasion. I have a feeling that truly fanatical ones will bring out my usually present humorous instincts and the darker side of my operational planning urges. So even though I don't seek to stress others for profit I feel confident that I'll have no shortage of enemies on which to unleash myself.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
This is all old ass info and could change buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

-90% of the population is supposed to be NPCs, so 90% of the time you're hitting up NPCs anyway
-CIG wants to make it so you can't determine who is an NPC and who is a player at a glance, so you might not know before you engage
-Reputation is still wholly unknown as far as factions and organizations go.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
...Now Dobie had a side kick mate, called Maynard G Krebs...
yep, my avatar is Bob Denver as Maynard G Krebs (the G is silent)

and while I am a peaceable old beatnik / hippie IRL what I love about virtual sandboxes is the chance to walk on the dark side

because no actual kittens or puppies get harmed, and all the folks I interact with are there voluntarily, I can get my evil on and still sleep soundly at night

life is good in the 'verse


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
the piracy specialisation that I was thinking of
I prefer to think of it it not as Piracy but as Freedom Fighters.
Helping to 'Liberate' those poor, over burdened NPC of some of their 'excess' cargo.

Sort of a 'Good Will' gesture. Don't you think?

TESTie Liberators to the rescue............
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Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
while I am a peaceable old beatnik / hippie IRL
In the early 60s, I used to 'hang out' in Hippie clubs reciting Poetry. (Yep, 'Ole Cosmic reciting Beatnik Poetry - TRUE)
Then the Hippie Revolution came and I was lost for a decade.

In 1969, the U.S.Navy approached me and offered me a lifetime of Adventures.
I was Lost and then I was Found....... (Such Adventures I had over 20+ years)

Now in retirement, Star Citizen & TEST SQUADRON have found me and offered me even GREATER Adventures with terrific friends.

I will never be lost again.

Note: If you all are not good TESTies, 'Ole Cosmic just might have to recite some of that Beatnik Poetry to you as punishment. :scream:


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I have my own method of punishment

it's a little more up to date

I may be old but I keep up with the times


Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
This is all old ass info and could change buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

-90% of the population is supposed to be NPCs, so 90% of the time you're hitting up NPCs anyway
-CIG wants to make it so you can't determine who is an NPC and who is a player at a glance, so you might not know before you engage
-Reputation is still wholly unknown as far as factions and organizations go.
Well saying it's old news and it might change shore it might but not likely, as far as I know what is said is going to be unless something else is said to contradict that. ;)
And you are so right about everything else ;)

There seem to be somthing that slip some of your peps mind, to be a criminal a scum a dushbag or in some peps eye a greifer or the more glamorized version of the word criminal a PIRATE.

Oh so now we got a bounty on our head, well cool now you gonna be hunted by NPC, securety, police, military forces and all players who want to do so can do it legaly kill you or capture you. Well here is a thought you might have forgoten all pirates will most likely hunt you to, I know I would hunt you if I was a pirate and your bounty was good enough, you got a bouty on yar head argh! I can pick of your head I kill evey pirate and make a good pirate living out of that and so would probably many others do to. What do we get from that well you get a pirate war and in the mist of that you think you're gonna have time to roam the universe and do what pirates do.. sound ambitious, but I would wait and see how that turn out before I even concider to be a criminal.
And your character live so long in a war.. NOT! Permanent death is lurking around every asteroid :P

Then having a dual account well that could be a solution maybe, but still it is "persistent universe" meaning just because you log of your character is not all safe right away. it will be run by AI when you are offline for how long after log off, I don't know yet how that will work. But you might come back in to game and realise you are in jail and not in your ship, for that is destroyed from where you parked and went to the ship bed last time you where in game. That is "persistent universe" something to remember, as a pirate there is no safe haven for you to park, unless they make a player home where your hangar is a safe haven, which mean you need to reach that before logging off every time to be on the safe side.

So I for one have come to same conclusion every time, for now I will focus on a legit occupations trade in SC and leave the Pirate life on the shelf until I got a lot more info about how that is gonna play out. ;)
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