Chris Roberts Responds to Derek Smart

Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I'd like to present an outside point of view of this particular series of events from an experienced lawyer and blogger essentially detailing why this recent litigation might not be in the best interests of CIG:

I can't really speak one way or the other of the accuracy of it, as I've zero experience with law, but he seems very knowledgeable and if his history is anything to go by he's fairly credible.
It seems like this guy doesnt realize that ortwin freyrmuth is CIG head lawyer not just the vice president. I dont the he understand that the 5 page letter was a warning if they didnt pull the story that they would be takeing legal actions. Finally Cooley LLP is CIGs lawyer firm, it is common practice when you are about to sue someone to let the firm tou contract out to, to know what you are about to do.
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Tortilla the Hun

Grand Admiral
Jul 9, 2015
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It seems like this guy doesnt realize that ortwin freyrmuth is CIG head lawyer not just the vice president. I dont the he understand that the 5 page letter was a warning if they didnt pull the story that they would be takeing legal actions. Finally Cooley LLP is CIGs lawyer firm, it is common practice when you are about to sue someone to let the firm tou contract out to, to know what you are about to do.
He does realize that Freyermuth is CIG's lawyer, most namely by mentioning him as the "in-house lawyer". And I would imagine it is more commonplace to inform your lawyer beforehand so they can make first contact so they don't have to worry about prying their client's foot from their mouth.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
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I've followed Ken White at Popehat for years

CIG would do well to take his suggestions to heart
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