CIG official comment on no Veterans Day Sale this year:


Stream Meister
Staff member
Sep 29, 2014
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CIG Ben Lesnick - wcloaf
Posted: 4:11PM

Hey guys,

I just wanted to confirm that we are not doing the Veteran's Day promo this year. Our feeling is that for any serious charity drive, we need a responsible, reliable partner... and we didn't have one this time around (last year's F7A promo was expertly driven by the folks at Black Widow Company, but they had other plans for 2014.)

But please don't read into that any attempt to disrespect veterans. One of the best things about my job is getting to meet people who have served with armed forces around the world; and I'm very proud that the work that we've done with Star Citizen very frequently attracts veterans of all stripes to the game.

And finally if anyone is familiar with a great international charity, we'd certainly be interested in partnering for future events.

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Stream Meister
Staff member
Sep 29, 2014
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It's a shame more folks won't be able to pick up the F7A Hornet upgrade now, but hopefully, they'll bring it back for the Anniversary Sale on the 26th.

I got lucky and managed to scoop one up a couple weeks ago for about double the original cost, so my SuperHornet will have a fancy outfit to wear when the PU goes live. ;)


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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I remember last year some people freaked out that the charity event was focused on US military vets.

Im guessing thats why they played it safe this year.

Lonestar the Kilrathi

Rear Admiral
Aug 21, 2014
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Lonestar the Kilrathi
FYI, and i'm sure most streamers are aware of this now so i might be sharing old news, but be careful about charity drives and donations and the like. Be sure to pay taxes on whatever you collect because if you donate that money to charity and don't report it as income on your taxes then you can get dinged pretty hard by the IRS. You can look into a streamer by the name of Destiny (Steve Bonnell i think) because he did a big charity drive and collected a lot of money and evidently got into some hot water over not paying taxes on it (i'm no accountant so i don't know for sure what happened but them's the rumors). although i think he might have raised a lot that year, like 10 grand or more or something so the taxes were actually pretty burdensome when it was all said and done.

i'd just hate to see someone get screwed financially because they tried to do something good. so something to consider if you hadn't already.

edit: herp re: ben lesnick

okay, so i should've read that as not you taking money for charity. Anyway, point stands, should any streamer decide to do a donation drive for charity just be careful...


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
As you guys know, im a currently serving reservist soldier, I dont really mind that there is no armistace day sale, Although i would support one where a portion of the profits go to veteran support charities.

Im a little upset that some people are saying "blah blah blah no sale this is crap blah blah." The point of veterans day/armistace day/rememberance day/ANZAC day, is to remember veterans and their service, as well as our fallen, not to get cheap stuff.

**edit I should probably stay off the CIG Forums**


Stream Meister
Staff member
Sep 29, 2014
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Thank you for your service, SPRNinja.

For Veterans Day today, I have removed my Twitch donation link and replaced it with a link to the Wounded Warrior Project. I'm an Army brat myself and spent most of the last 10 years working directly for the Army, meeting some of the finest people on the planet in the process. If anyone is most deserving of our help, it's wounded and disabled vets.

I donated today and encourage anyone and everyone to do the same.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Thanks man thats awesome, an I know our returned vet's are very very thankful for the support.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I support CIG's no veteran's day sales as well. Companies are private, meaning they make their own decisions, and should not be influenced to make sales on Veterans day. There was a news story I saw on either or on Armytimes that showed how MUCH extra the restaurants made on Veterans day even though they gave out a free appetizer, burger or something. If CIG did a veterans day sale they would be making money off of me still... and I spent to much this month (until the anniversary sale).

Now if they gave out free alcoholic beverages most Vet's would be lined up around the block.... or free lapdance. Hmmm.

Since Veterans day is over and I'm on my way to a late day at work... if anyone ever wants to support Veterans please support any group that supports the 22. If you didn't know, 22 U.S. vets commit suicide each day... this number is shocking to most and something that I think needs more attention.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I support CIG's no veteran's day sales as well. Companies are private, meaning they make their own decisions, and should not be influenced to make sales on Veterans day. There was a news story I saw on either or on Armytimes that showed how MUCH extra the restaurants made on Veterans day even though they gave out a free appetizer, burger or something. If CIG did a veterans day sale they would be making money off of me still... and I spent to much this month (until the anniversary sale).

Now if they gave out free alcoholic beverages most Vet's would be lined up around the block.... or free lapdance. Hmmm.

Since Veterans day is over and I'm on my way to a late day at work... if anyone ever wants to support Veterans please support any group that supports the 22. If you didn't know, 22 U.S. vets commit suicide each day... this number is shocking to most and something that I think needs more attention.
I did know that, and I also know that there are too many Vets (especially in San Diego Area) who do not get anywhere near the proper support once they come back from deployment. The numbers of those who do not come back and find some stability and "normalcy" is appauling. Ofc I am wasted drunk and fired up anyway so probably just ranting to rant but still, the way we treat our servicemen and women sometimes makes me a sad panda. No, a pissed off panda [tried to drunkgoogle find a gif of angry panda found this panda that is most definitely a TEST Panda though]


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Now if they gave out free alcoholic beverages most Vet's would be lined up around the block.... or free lapdance. Hmmm.

I support this message

I did know that, and I also know that there are too many Vets (especially in San Diego Area) who do not get anywhere near the proper support once they come back from deployment. The numbers of those who do not come back and find some stability and "normalcy" is appauling. Ofc I am wasted drunk and fired up anyway so probably just ranting to rant but still, the way we treat our servicemen and women sometimes makes me a sad panda. No, a pissed off panda [tried to drunkgoogle find a gif of angry panda found this panda that is most definitely a TEST Panda though]

The stats are pretty horrible unfortunately, I've got a few friends whove been over there and come out with some pretty brutal stuff, one of my best mates who suffers from PTSD, its horrible to watch. I wish we did more, and I think that we are getting closer as time goes on, but we still dont do enough.

Some countries are better than others tho, For example the UK is pretty fucking abysmal. Australia is doing pretty well though.
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